

To the editor:

Congratulations to the city of Marshall for recently celebrating it’s 150th year anniversary, how exciting! In those 150 years, up until somewhat recently, I am sure many people had to hide at the fact that they truly belonged to the LGBTQ+ community (before that was even a community). But now we live in a time that isn’t so hateful to those that are different, by no choice of their own. We can now be celebrated for who we are and accepted by our peers. And I truly can’t wait to further instill the reputation that Marshall is city of music, as at a drag show there is MUSIC for days.

You talked of the Bible, yet in the original translation the Bible said nothing against homosexuality. The proper translation of “men shall not sleep with men as he does women” was “men shall not sleep with boy as he does women”. So that argument falters, and many churches are in agreement of this. Ultimately, why would a God create a bunch of gay people just to send them all to hell? Doesn’t sound like someone I’d want to worship. There was also mention of freedom of speech? Well that is protected in the amendments, as well as freedom of religion. We don’t live in a Christian country, or a Muslim country, or a Wiccan country. We live in a country where we have the freedom to choose what we believe in and have the freedom to voice our opinions without be prosecuted.

I agree, forgiveness is inclusive, and I (as well as pretty much anyone LGBTQ+) has had to forgive a lot of our peers from things they may have said or done at one point or another. And I forgive you, you’re welcome to come to the show, it will be quite a good time. If you choose not to, that is also more than OK, but you also don’t need to rain on the parade…. We will just turn it into a rainbow anyways.

Elijah Lanz


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