What We Do in the Shadows has firmly found its footing in its fourth season. The characters are fully built and the actors are able to explore them to their fullest potential, relationships have been built, and tension abounds. And a lot of that is thanks to TV’s best will-they-or-won’t-they couple, the vampire Nandor the Relentless and his human familiar/bodyguard Guillermo.
Last season ended on a cliffhanger, where Nandor (Kayvan Novak) and Guillermo (Harvey Guillén) were going to travel the world together before Guillermo was trapped in a coffin by Laszlo and shipped overseas. Now, this season, their relationship is a little different, as Nandor decided he wants to get married.
After adventures involving a Djinn, bringing back Nandor’s many wives (he had both girl wives and guy wives), and Nandor being a bridezilla, we finally got to see the wedding between Nandor and his former wife Marwa last night. But it didn’t come without drama.
For the whole episode, Nandor is simultaneously giving Guillermo a never-ending list of impossible tasks to complete for the wedding and complaining that everyone is trying to sabotage it. But by the end of the episode, Guillermo confronts him, asking if perhaps he’s the only one trying to sabotage things.
The two characters got even closer than ever before in this week’s episode, with Nandor coming oh-so-close to calling Guillermo his best friend before settling for “best man.”
There’s also the bit where Nandor wishes his wife will like everything he likes and then we see Marwa go up to Guillermo and declare her undying love and gratitude for him, kissing him over and over again on the face.
This is the long-running, slow-burn, will-they-or-won’t-they couple queer fans have been waiting for. This is the gay Sam and Diane, the queer Ross and Rachel. We have two queer characters of color slowly falling in love and dancing back and forth and it’s BEAUTIFUL to see.
Both actors, Kayvan Novak as Nandor and Harvey Guillén as Guillermo, are *chef’s kiss*. Guillén has quickly become one of the best comedic actors working in television today, and if he doesn’t get a much-deserved Emmy nomination for this season, I’m going to riot.
All of this is going on while another vampire, Laszlo, is busy being one of the best pansexual characters in TV history. This week, he excitedly slept with The Baron at Nandor’s wedding, and last week he gave us one of the greatest quotes of all-time when he said “Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay, gay it’s gonna be.” I think we can all agree with that.
What We Do in the Shadows airs new episodes Tuesday nights on FX at 10pm.
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