This opinion column was submitted by Russell Greer, executive director of A Safer Nevada.
Late in June 2021, after registering with the Nevada secretary of state, I officially launched a political action committee to decriminalize sex work in Nevada through ballot initiative, with a goal of getting onto the 2024 state ballot. The name of the PAC that was formed is A Safer Nevada. We have the support of many sex work organizations and we are growing in size as a PAC. We plan to begin collecting signatures by March or May 2022.
As residents of Nevada, we are in the unique situation of having legal forms of prostitution, which occurs in rural brothels, while in the cities, prostitution is illegal. Many praise the brothels for their safety record of preventing deadly diseases (and I must admit: many brothels have cool decors). However, the current situation does not work at all and that’s why I’ve decided to change the system with my PAC by decriminalizing sex work in all of Nevada.
What inspired this
The reason is simply this: I love women and I love helping people. I was born with a facial disability and dating has been hard with it. I can’t tell you how hurtful it is to be your best and to put your best self out there, only to be rejected by society; to randomly have a stranger verbally assault you for how you look. This rejection led me to begin soliciting brothels for the last seven years.
But as I patronized the brothels, I saw things that could be improved or girls confided in me about horror stories. My heart broke when I heard stories of illegal prostitutes who suffered violence at the hands of deranged men. All of these experiences culminated in the creation of my PAC.
Some of the problems that prompted my quest to decriminalize are:
1. The distance: From Las Vegas (the most populated city in Nevada) to the closest brothel, it’s about an hour and 12 minute drive. This creates an undue burden on women who may not have a car to travel out to the brothels. Some brothels also require workers to stay for 15-day shifts, which can create a burden for those who have kids or other dependents.
In all fairness, the distance is due to a state law that limits brothels to counties with less than 400,000 residents. One might then ask: “Well, why not just do a ballot initiative revoking the law forbidding brothels in the more populous counties?” That leads to my second point.
2. Costs: The costs of running a brothel are expensive. The Nevada Independent reported in 2018 that counties can bring in $140,000 in revenue from worker registration cards and brothel licensing fees alone. Some brothels have had to shutter because they just weren’t bringing in enough to cover the associated fees. So if a person genuinely wants to run a brothel, but they can’t afford the fees, then they’re out of luck. It creates an unfair, expensive market, where simply existing can destroy a business by fees alone.
If a ballot initiative allowed brothels to operate in Las Vegas and Reno without decriminalizing all sex work, what would change from what is already existing? The only difference would be that high-priced brothels would legally be in cities. High license fees would still exist. And women and people who can’t afford the fees would be prosecuted if they try operating outside the legalization scheme.
Not only are licensing fees high, but brothel prices are high as well. The brothel takes half of what the women make. I get it: Brothels need to make money too. But in the end, it’s the woman who is selling her body, and therefore she should be taking home the bulk of that profit. Confused by the high prices, I once asked a brothel sex worker why her prices were so high, as compared to illegal sex workers, and the girl scoffed and haughtily remarked: “You look at them and then come and look at me and you’ll see why my prices are higher.” In essence, her answer did nothing but confirm that the ladies just simply want to make as much as they possibly can …because they can.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting money and a good salary, but when costs are high in any market, consumers will naturally look to black markets, which sometimes comes with dire effects. This has been seen in the cannabis industry and pharmaceuticals and it’s happening in the sex work industry. A person who isn’t rich isn’t going to pay $2,000 an hour when they can browse through escort sites that sell illegal services and find somebody who offers $400 an hour. If they choose to pay for illegal services, the non-wealthy person runs the risk of falling into a police sting or getting robbed by a scam, which isn’t fair, all because they can’t afford the brothel prices.
3. Criminalization doesn’t work: I don’t want this opinion piece to come across like I’m only bashing the legal system established in certain counties. My disagreement also rests with the criminal justice system. Our society is moving towards a more progressive and aware society, where the majority is against prosecuting consenting adults. In consensual prostitution, where a worker is willing giving her services, who is the victim? Morality, per case law, is no longer a viable defense to outlaw perceived vices.
Police departments are wasting their time and resources in arresting consenting adults, when they could be using their forces to prevent rapes and assaults by ramping up patrols.
My decriminalization initiative
With my PAC’s proposed ballot initiative, decriminalization would allow sex workers to unionize and allow sex workers to go get health checks without stigma. If sex workers were assaulted, they would no longer hide in fear. They would be able to report violence against them. This isn’t just some fantasy narrative. The benefits are real and are seen in countries with decriminalization, such as New Zealand.
Decriminalization also would protect our LGBTQ sex workers. Gay sex workers are prevalent in Las Vegas, which they operate in illegality, because the brothels have no accommodations for them. Not one legal brothel in Nevada employs a gay male sex worker.
My PAC is also seeking to amend NRS 201.354, the state statute that bans prostitution outside brothels, to allow for the advertising and soliciting of sex work because sex work is work. Any job can freely advertise their costs and services (including other sexually oriented businesses like strip clubs), so why can’t a sex worker? Hiding the advertising of it only furthers the harmful myth of sex work being taboo.
I want to make it clear that my PAC is not anti-brothel. Pointing out weak areas of a system is not what I consider to be hate, but rather a need for social improvement. We welcome the brothels to help us in our ballot initiative because decriminalization would benefit them too. Brothel workers would be able to do house calls and be able to advertise their prices, which they can’t currently do. I extend the proverbial olive branch to any brothel owner reading this.
Legalization and decriminalization can coexist. Keep in mind: Trafficking, crimes against minors and coercion would still remain illegal.
My PAC also welcomes the donations of those who wish to help. Changing laws isn’t cheap. My PAC is registered with the state of Nevada and the IRS.
Now is the time for the entire of state of Nevada to finally put to a vote whether we, as a state, support prostitution or if we are going to continue to confine prostitution to certain rural counties and act as if even acknowledging sex work is immoral. The only immoral thing is ignoring the harms associated with illegality.
Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or unaffiliated: it shouldn’t matter how you lean politically. Human safety shouldn’t be a political issue.
We have the chance to create a safer Nevada. Help us create that change.
Russell Greer is the executive director of A Safer Nevada (www.asafernevada.org). He resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. He has a paralegal degree and wants to change society for the better.
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