Saturday night at Nellie’s Sports Bar in Washington D.C. typically involves copious cocktails and dancing upstairs, but this past Saturday night the scene at the D.C. sports bar was far from celebratory. The LGBTQ community of D.C. started on a high that day, as our nation’s capital marked Pride on Saturday as well as the lifting of almost all COVID-19 restrictions. Unfortunately, it ended with 22 year-old Keisha Young being forcibly dragged down the stairs at Nellie’s by her hair by the establishment’s security.
For her own part, Young ascertained that had not done anything to prompt the treatment she received during her visit to Nellie’s. She told WUSA9’s John Henry that the incident kicked off shortly after she walked up the stairs to the bar. “It was an altercation in there,” she said. “They were trying to get some other people out because somebody else brought a bottle in there. Somehow I got mixed up in an altercation because I look like somebody else and I got hit and dragged down the steps.” When asked by Young what should happen next, she simply said “I want them (Nellie’s) gone.” While maintaining that she did nothing wrong, Young did appreciate the large amount of support being shown, saying “I didn’t expect it to turn into something like this, to be honest, but I’m feeling very warm that a lot of people are out here helping support me.”
Keisha Young, 22, of Md., says she was the woman seen being dragged out of Nellies in that viral video on IG. When I asked her what should happen next, she said, “I want them gone”. (@wusa9) pic.twitter.com/ZkwxnSWZqU
— John Henry (@JohnHenryWUSA) June 14, 2021
For their own part, Nellie’s released a statement online saying “We were incredibly upset and disturbed to see the unfortunate event that took place at Nellie’s last night. We are undergoing a full investigation of the situation. At Nellie’s, we foster an inclusive and safe environment, so events like this are completely unacceptable to us.”
Keisha Young’s mother Tammy Young has set up a GoFundMe page as Keisha lost her glasses, iPhone, and shoes during the altercation which can be found here