Harry Styles is a proud supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. During one of his concerts back in 2018, the Sign of the Times singer spotted a poster of an audience saying that she is planning to come to her parents. Harry then read that sign out loud and sent a message to the fan’s mother. Here’s what went down during this special moment at one of Harry Styles’ concert.

When Harry Styles helped a gay woman come to her parents

Harry Styles recently received his first Grammy award at the Grammys 2021. Apart from his singing and acting prowess, Styles is also known as a strong supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. On several occasions during his 2018 tour, Harry Styles waved the pride flag on stage and showed his strong support to the community.

During one of his concerts at first solo tour back in 2018, Harry Styles helped a fan come to her parents at the venue. It all began with Grace sharing a picture of her sign for Harry’s concert. On the two-way sign Grace wrote, “I traveled 2,846 miles to be here tonight. Thank you for 10 incredible shows”. She then added, “I’m gonna come out to my parents because of you!” on the opposite side of the sign board.

Along with the picture of her sign board, Grace tweeted that she is not expecting much but she hopes that Harry Styles at least sees it. Grace then shared a video of Harry taking notice of her sign at his concert. The video starts with Harry asking Grace for his permission to read the sign out loud. He then goes onto read it and he asks her where her parents are.

Grace tells him that her mother, Tina, is at the hotel. Harry then tells the audience to be as quiet as possible and then goes on to yell, “Tina she’s gay!”. Soon the crowd joins in and repeats the same line. Harry then even jokes about printing this on tour his tour T-shirts. Soon Grace took to Instagram and shared her reaction to the entire incident. Take a look at Grace’s Instagram post below.


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