
What Desert Sun readers have to say about Gavin Newsom and the recall – Desert Sun

Editor’s note: Ahead of the Sept. 14 recall election, The Desert Sun has received a lot of letters. We’re publishing some today to reflect what readers have to say. The letters we’ve received recently have overwhelmingly been against the recall. The one pro-recall letter below is the only one we’ve gotten recently. (We have received and published earlier pro-recall letters.)

—Eric Hartley, opinion editor

Moral imperative to vote no

In my opinion, voting no on the recall is a moral imperative and a matter of social justice. At stake are reasonable gun safety laws, moving ahead on climate change, protection of the rights of women, the right of workers to a living wage, the dignity of seniors and immigrants, preservation of water and wetlands, sensible guidance on the use of masks to keep us safe, and strong support for our public schools and community colleges.

Finally, from my faith tradition, we answer yes to the Biblical imperative in the Torah/Old Testament: “We are our brother’s keeper.”

Remember to vote. Replacing Gov. Gavin Newsom would be disastrous. Vote no on question one, skip question two, sign it and mail it.

Charlie Ara, Palm Desert

A power grab

Everyone should check their mail because 1.3 million ballots are being sent to every voter in Riverside County as the Republican Party wants the state to waste over $250 million to remove our properly elected governor and replace him with someone who has never held statewide office to serve a little over one year before the next election. How insane, and what a power grab.

Please do not throw away that ballot but vote no on recalling Gov. Gavin Newsom. In the 2018 primary, I voted for someone else, but in the general election I voted for Gavin. I am satisfied with his leadership as he and the legislature  have increased medical coverage, spending on education, and money for housing the homeless and all during a pandemic.

Add to that he is the only governor who appropriated real money to start work on helping the Salton Sea. Others have talked, but Newsom started by spending the first $200 million for the Salton Sea.

Vote no on the recall.

Bob Warburton, Indio

What Newsom has done

A recent letter asked what Gov. Gavin Newsom had done wrong besides going maskless to a party at the French Laundry while the rest of the state was under quarantine.

My question is — what has he done right? Despite being the largest state in the country, our growth in personal income is the second lowest of any state. Our educational system has plummeted from being near the top to the bottom of all states. We have the highest gas tax in the country. We have the highest electricity rates and, yet, no assurance of continued electricity. We have a bullet train to nowhere, but no water.

Why could we not have invested in desalinization plants instead of a ridiculous train? We have had record wildfires, yet this governor cut the forest clearing budget. We are over run with homeless, yet how has he helped those citizens? At the same time, we offer free almost everything to illegal immigrants. I ask, again, what has Governor Newsom done to improve the lot of taxpaying California citizens?

Karen Knowles, Palm Desert

The consequences

If there is any doubt, think of the consequences of a possible Gov. Gavin Newsom recall.

Many fewer Californians getting affordable health care; fewer environmental protections; higher food prices and lower standards for farmers and farm workers we depend on; unsafe schools from un-vaccinated folks and fewer safety measures; important highway, bridge and airport improvements halted or dropped; the number of neglected and abused children increasing; budget cuts for our communities impacting fire and police help, street and park improvements, and so on.

Government is for the people, and Democrats do a much better job of providing for us.  Democrats far out think, out produce, out protect, out appreciate and out plan for California.

Vote no on the recall.

Rob Westwood, Rancho Mirage

Newsom’s courage

As gay Americans, my husband and I owe our deepest gratitude and appreciation to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who when he was the youngest elected mayor of San Francisco in 2004, directed the city clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, violating state law. Because of this courageous act, he helped bring about the movement for marriage equality for millions in the LGBTQ community.

Also when he was San Francisco’s mayor, the now-governor signed the law establishing Healthy San Francisco in 2007, to provide city residents with universal healthcare, the first city in the nation to do so.

Steven and I would not be married if it were not for his bold leadership 17 years ago.  For these reasons, and many more, we are encouraging you to join our household, in voting no on the Republican recall.

We need to keep our caring and competent governor in office!

Ken Richard, Rancho Mirage

Leadership on guns

Gavin Newsom is the most gun-sense governor in California’s history. And, as a former Coachella Valley chapter lead for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, I want to keep him in office.

Over the years, in response to America’s gun-violence epidemic, Governor Newsom has supported gun-safety measures, including closing the loopholes for background checks for gun purchases and trying to include background checks for the purchase of large-capacity magazines. Unfortunately, a major part of the gun-safety desires of Californians were deemed unconstitutional by a federal judge, Roger Benitez. Newsom denounced the judge as “a stone cold ideologue” and “a wholly owned subsidiary of the gun lobby of the National Rifle Association.”

Governor Newsom will be able to continue to lead to find gun-sense solutions for gun violence only if he remains in office. We need him to keep fighting to protect us and our children.

For these reasons, and many more, I encourage you to join me in voting no on the effort to recall our governor, Gavin Newsom.

James Boldt, Palm Springs

Newsom has acted

Those who are seeking to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom from office have claimed the governor is “soft on crime.” While there has been an increase in violent crime since we began emerging from the year-long pandemic shutdown, this is true of nearly every state. Experts attribute the surge to a number of causes, but predict it will taper off soon.

Governor Newsom is not waiting for that, however. He has implemented several programs that include creative approaches to crime prevention, deterrence and enforcement. Recently, the governor backed a $12 billion homelessness plan, with $3 billion allocated toward addressing the mental health crisis on local streets. He has designated $200 million to expand the Cal VIP program, which provides matching grants to community-based violence intervention efforts.

He’s budgeted $4 billion for universal behavioral health for young people, along with an expansion of before- and after-school programs and summer job opportunities. And he’s addressing the surge of organized shoplifting gangs through new CHP partnerships to increase patrols. He’s also ensuring California’s gun laws — especially our Red Flag Law — are enforced to protect our communities.

I am proud to support Governor Newsom and will vote “no” on the recall.

Janet Minehan, Palm Desert

No more to say

We voted “no” on the recall.

Larry Joe Kurbatoff, Palm Desert