
Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of June 6 by the Cut – The Cut

Gwendolyn Brooks, a Gemini. Photo-Illustration: by: Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty Images

This week, the moon waxes as it travels through Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio. Your emotions about your life and the people in it are developing. Your questions about next steps are still unresolved. You sense something new on the horizon, but you don’t know what form it will take. You know, deep down, that your life is going to transform, but you don’t know when or how. It’s uncomfortable to sit in this state of uncertainty, but that’s exactly what you have to do. Change is unfolding according to a timeline you cannot control; right now, your job is not to try to curb its speed (nor to rush it along), but to watch, wait, and pay attention to what happens next.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

It’s not in your nature to avoid facing up to difficult situations: You bravely run toward (not away from) an emergency — throwing yourself headfirst into the fray. You know that ignoring issues won’t make them disappear forever, so you’d just as soon act immediately — waiting around only adds to your stress. But recently, life has imposed unwanted delays and necessitated periods of frustrating inaction. You’ve worried, perhaps, that you share in the blame, that your strength and decisiveness have deserted you. But this week, they’ll reemerge, and you’ll finally feel like your bold self again: ready to move and fight and make choices with confidence.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Lately, you’ve felt buried under the weight of your obligations. Your boss, your family, your social circle — everyone wants so much from you. Your first instinct might be to retreat, turn down invitations, or burrow into the privacy of your home until they all leave you in peace. But consider that what you need might not be less activity overall but more of the sort that actually sustains you. This week, lean into the events and interactions that replenish you. Don’t merely focus on the stresses. Engage with the beauty and magic in the world outside yourself.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

You don’t believe that anyone has just one soul mate or one true professional calling; you know that there are countless paths to genuine happiness. But that doesn’t mean you could be happy with any and every person or that every job opportunity could be equally fulfilling. You’re skilled at adapting to whatever conditions you find yourself in, but remember that you don’t always have to be accommodating. Some people, careers, and cities don’t quite fit. This week, you can find a surprising amount of joy in saying no to what isn’t right for you.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

When you have even the tiniest bit of time, effort, or love left in you, you feel a responsibility to share it. Maybe it’s because others have been guilting you or you have a strong natural sense of generosity. Either way, while this constant giving is possible in the short term, it’s not sustainable. You can’t keep draining yourself forever. This week, one of the kindest things you can do for yourself is admit it when you become exhausted and make your decisions based on this knowledge. Keep some of your energy for yourself. Otherwise, you’re sure to end up with none at all.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

There may be a part of you that is ready to quit whatever it is you’ve been working toward. Whether it’s a personal project or a broader, collective fight, you’ve been struggling to see any progress and wondering if all this effort will be worth it in the end. But even if everything feels insurmountably difficult these days, don’t give up just yet. You’re on the verge of a breakthrough — despite your worry that nothing much is happening. Your endeavors are already having a greater impact than you can see from where you stand right now. Keep going.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Sometimes, when you choose not to voice your feelings, it’s a matter of avoidance, of not wanting to risk conflict. But more often, it’s because you have a good reason not to share. You’ve had too much experience making yourself vulnerable only to be met with anger, awkwardness, or an unwillingness to listen with an open mind. Even so, this week, it’s worth being explicit about your emotions, needs, and interests. You might still be misunderstood in the end, and you might not leave every conversation feeling completely satisfied, but you’ll be lighter, at the very least, for having spoken up for yourself.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Kindness and a simple willingness to show up and listen can take you far in life, but at a certain point, you hit a point of diminishing returns on playing nice. Eventually, you encounter an adversary who will not be moved by your generosity of spirit — a problem that cannot be overcome through negotiation alone. If you’re experiencing this right now, don’t make the mistake of thinking that you must double down on your niceness. Rather, it’s time for a new approach: Display your strength. Others may have underestimated you in the past based on the softness you’ve shown, but they won’t anymore.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

You’re incredibly perceptive. You can see past the stories people tell and masks they wear to the anxieties and insecurities hiding beneath. But no matter how skilled you are at seeing others clearly — at acknowledging their weaknesses and loving them anyway — you’ve had to work much harder to treat yourself with this same honesty and care. This week, you’ll have the chance to see just how far you’ve come. The hard work of loving yourself hasn’t been pointless or impractical. Even now, it’s already lighting a new path forward.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Most people are afraid of starting over — but not you. In work and in life, you know how to come up with new ideas and fresh approaches, and you’re bold enough to cut and run when a project or relationship isn’t working out. This week, however, it’s important to make sure you aren’t quitting too soon. If you know in your heart that it’s time to move on, there’s nothing else to be said. Just remember that, sometimes, it can be useful to play the hand you’ve been dealt, to ride out the strangeness to find what magic might be waiting on the other side.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

The higher your expectations of your colleagues, friends, and romantic partners, the more opportunity they have to let you down. The frustrating truth is that nobody can be their best self all the time. Everyone (even those you love and respect the most) experiences moments of imperfection, laziness, unreliability. Even you can’t live up to your own ideals all the time — no matter how hard you try. Try to keep believing in people anyway. It’s only natural that they’ll disappoint you at times, but if you give them the chance this week, they’ll surprise you with how principled, brave, and wonderful they can be.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

As fascinating and lovely as you find the people in your life, and as much as you genuinely enjoy spending time with them, you don’t fully trust that they’ll grant you that same generous open-mindedness. You assume that if you show anyone else your depths, they’ll find you too different, too much. But that’s always a gamble in this life; it can’t be avoided. While opening up might make some turn away from you, many others will react with acceptance and delight. This week, hiding your truest, weirdest self will only cause you to miss out on the human connection you need. Trusting your friends enough to show them who you really are is a risk, but it’s one worth taking.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

You’ve been hyper-focused lately on all that you lack — on all the experiences, achievements, and relationships that others have racked up and you haven’t. It’s understandable. The universe of possibilities is vast, and a single human life can only contain so much. You can’t help but grieve the roads not taken, the potential versions of yourself that never had the opportunity to be realized. But this week, try to avoid getting lost in wistful consideration of all that you’re not. It’s both more useful and more joyful to focus on what you are, on this miraculous life that nobody will ever experience but you.

Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of May 30. The weekly horoscopes for the week of June 13 will be online next Sunday.

Get Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars.