This is a rush transcript from “Watters’ World,” June 12, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Welcome to WATTERS’ WORLD. I’m Jesse Watters. 2020 was a lie: that’s the subject of tonight’s Watters’ Words.

Did you ever date somebody for a while and after you break up, you realize the whole relationship was fake? Everything she told you was bull, all your big moments were meaningless. That’s 2020. We got catfished last year.

All the lies were designed to install Biden. The media actually broke itself dragging Joe crossed the finish line. The Press died from all the lies. That’s one of the side effects of Trump derangement syndrome.

Now that Biden has been installed, the truth is finally coming out. It has a way of doing that. And it’s stunning. Remember this.


KATE BOLDUAN, CNN HOST: The President forcefully clearing the streets by Lafayette Park, clearing the streets of peaceful protesters.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Teargassing and the trampling of those protesters, so the President could hold a photo-op in front of an Episcopal Church.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Donald Trump used teargas on peaceful protesters so that he could stage a photo-op.


WATTERS: But that was a crock. A government watchdog report said so. ABC News who pushed the lie was forced to run this headline: “Police did not clear Lafayette Park area so Trump could hold a Bible photo-op.” Park Police already started clearing the rowdy crowd hours before they learned Trump planned on walking through.

A new study just released found masks didn’t slow COVID spread. University of Louisville researchers found mask mandates and mask use weren’t associated with slowing the spread and were poor predictors of COVID spread, quote, “Our findings do not support the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates decrease with greater public mask use.” In fact, the study found evidence that masks were harmful especially in children.

How about this one? Study shows hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments increased coronavirus survival rates by almost three times. The study was conducted by St. Barnabas Medical Center in New Jersey on hundreds of patients. This is the third such study supporting hydroxy, but Twitter will censor you for disinformation if you post about it because science.

And of course, you’ll remember DeSantis was called a killer for opening beaches. This Grim Reaper stood in the Florida sand satirically trolling the Governor. Remember? CNN made him a star. It turns out, sunlight kills COVID and it didn’t spread on beaches. It largely spread indoors where people were locked down.

Thank you, Dr. Fauci.

The doctor now under fire for lying about funding the Wuhan lab. Fauci rallied scientists to dismiss the lab leak theory while he was scrambling behind the scenes to wipe his fingerprints from it. But don’t you dare criticize Fauci, He was wrong on masks, gain-of-function, lockdowns, and hydroxy, he doesn’t take criticism well.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: A lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science. Because all of the things that I have spoken about, consistently from the very beginning have been fundamentally based on science.

So, if you are trying to, you know, get at me, as a public health official and a scientist, you’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science.


WATTERS: This is what liberals do when they face fair criticism. They assume a grand identity that can’t be attacked. This is an attack on women. This is an attack on blacks. This is an attack on the media, an attack on science.

No, no, no, it’s not an attack. It’s a criticism of just you. Deal with it like a man.

So, Russian bounties were a lie. Cuomo was no hero, DeSantis was. The protests weren’t peaceful. Trump didn’t gas protesters for a church photo- up. COVID probably came from a lab Fauci funded. Masks apparently don’t work, but hydroxy reportedly does.

The laptop is legit. Hunter lobbied his dad to fire the prosecutor and casually drops N-bombs when he is not dodging paternity tests from strippers he knocked up after getting bribed with diamonds from Communist China.

The astonishing thing about all of these is that the media will confess their sins. Deep down, they are ashamed of their dishonesty, only a sociopath wouldn’t be.

This week, “New York Times” editor, Mara Gay admitted she is bad at her job and doesn’t understand a thing about the country she lives in and covers for a living.


MARA GAY, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: We have tens of millions of Trump voters who continue to believe that their rights as citizens are under threat by simple virtue of having to share the democracy with others.

I think as long as they see Americanness as the same as one with whiteness, this is going to continue. We have to figure out how to get every American a place at the table in this democracy, but how to separate Americanness — America from whiteness.

Until we can confront that and talk about that, this is really going to continue.

I was on Long Island this weekend, visiting a really dear friend, and I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with, you know, expletives against Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags and some cases, just dozens of American flags, which, you know, is also just disturbing because essentially, the message was clear, it was, this is my country, this is not your country. I own this.


WATTERS: That right there is why the press is broken, right there. She says it’s clear that white Americans flying flags and pickup trucks are racist to think they own this country. How is that clear? Mara Gay is a journalist. Did she get out of her car and interview the flag waving truck drivers? Did they tell her that’s what they believe? No, that’s her opinion, based on nothing.

This is exactly what Rush Limbaugh called the drive-by media. They drive by an innocent scene, shoot it up with a bunch of lies, and then just drive away leaving chaos behind.

And if you are disturbed by an American flag, that’s not our problem, that may be your issue. People fly the flag because they love the country. Maybe they served, maybe their family died serving. And people who drive pickup trucks work for a living and do the jobs that make the country great. Sometimes you need room in the back, Miss Gay.

White Americans don’t own this country. They own land and businesses and trucks just like black Americans do. It says a lot that “The New York Times” editor is disturbed by a peaceful display of American flags, but the deadly riots that rocked the nation last summer, not quite as disturbing.

How do you know these patriots associate America with whiteness? You don’t.

I have a feeling a lot of Americans don’t obsess about race nearly as much as “New York Times” editors do. Americans can associate whatever they want with their country. If I see a flag, I can see freedom, religious liberty, and capitalism, whatever I want. And she can see oppression and division; that’s her right.

But we don’t have to separate anything from what we see in the flag. Americans are proud of their country, not because of their race, but because their forefathers forged this great nation. They worked the land, they raised their families and they fought the wars.

What “The New York Times” doesn’t understand is America is about a shared history, a shared heritage, a unique experiment. It is everyone’s country, those of us who are citizens.

Mara is trying to separate us by race, but we’re trying to unite us by an idea, and that idea is inscribed in the Declaration. If “The New York Times” would get to know flag-waving Trump supporters, maybe they’d understand them, but they don’t want to understand them. They want to hate them.

It makes them feel morally superior in their ignorance, and that’s what Mara Gay is. She is ignorant and she admits it.

When people called her out for her comments, she played the race card, quote, “I see I’m being trolled with the American flag this morning. Trolling a black journalist with the American flag is not the own some people think it is.”

See, just like Fauci, if she complains, see, you can’t criticize her. She hides behind her identity when her identity has nothing to do with it. It’s her character people have a problem with. Trump supporters may be mocking her, not because she is black, but because she lies about them.

She is the same woman who can’t do basic math. Remember, she and Brian Williams believed Mike Bloomberg could have taken the $500 million he spent on the campaign and given every American a million.


GAY: Somebody tweeted recently that actually with the money he spent he could have given every American a million dollars.

BRIAN WILLIAMS, MSNBC ANCHOR: Got it. Let’s put it up on screen. When I read it tonight on social media, it kind of all became clear. “Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads, U.S. population, 327 million.” Don’t tell us if you’re ahead of us on the math. “He could have given each American $1 million and have had lunch money left over.” It’s an incredible way of putting it.

GAY: It’s an incredible way of putting it. It’s true. It’s disturbing.


WATTERS: Very disturbing. Again, she is very disturbed, this person. And her reaction, same goofy race card. Are you ready with what you said? “When you’re a black woman in America with a public voice, a trivial math error can lead to a delusion of hate.”

Can you believe how unimpressive and incompetent these so-called journalists are? She went to the University of Michigan, a very fine school, but seems clueless about the basics of life in America. This gives you a little window into the kinds of people who control news and information. They’re insecure lightweights who lie to you because they hate you. They got caught. Their industry is shot and they have nothing left except race bombs.

They’re so pathetic. I almost feel sorry for them. — almost.

Joining us now to react, host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Tucker Carlson.

All right, Tucker. So your reaction to Mara Gay from “The New York Times.”

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST, TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT: I’ve got to say, I just listened to that whole thing. And I’m thinking well, I would add this, I would add that, and by the end, there was nothing I would add.

WATTERS: Oh, thank you.

CARLSON: That was so perfect.

WATTERS: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: We got catfished by 2020. Yes, we did.

WATTERS: We did.

CARLSON: Yes, we did. Brilliant. And I actually asked your producer, I was like, “Did you write this?” And she goes, “Oh, no, Jesse wrote the whole thing.” I’m impressed.

WATTERS: Impressed that Jesse wrote the whole thing. Well, thank you very much.

CARLSON: Well, it was just really smart. And I totally agree. I don’t — I don’t really have a lot to add, other than to emphasize what you just said, which is their world is collapsing.

If your currency is the truth –facts — and you are caught lying, which they have been, then what is left? I mean, I think they are actually past the point where they say, oh, man, you know, we got this wrong. And that’s why you see this desperate emotional attachment to the stories that have already been revealed to be untrue.

I watch it with Fauci. I was an editor for a long time. And I would always say to my reporters, you’re not allowed to write about people you’re emotionally attached to. You can’t do a story on your girlfriend. You can’t cover the guy you hate most, because you have no critical distance from it.

Watching them defend Fauci, I mean, who, you know, maybe a fine person. I have no — I don’t know him. But he has been caught conclusively saying things in public — public health guidance — that matters — that he knew were untrue. It’s just — we know that because we have his e-mails.

Why would you continue to defend him? And the answer, of course, is that once the whole edifice starts to collapse, you know, you’re going with it. The building is coming down. They should get out, but they are riding it right to the bottom. It’s really shocking to watch it.

WATTERS: That’s exactly right. Also shocking, you came face-to-face with a member of MS-13 — that vicious Central American gang that just hacks people to death with machetes, you spend some time with a guy down in prison, and this is going to be on “Tucker Carlson Originals” that investigates MS-13. Let’s listen to a clip.


CARLSON (voice over): One member of MS-13 agreed to sit down with us in the prison yard.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I’m doing my sentence, like 25 years this place.

CARLSON (on camera); Are you still in MS-13?


CARLSON: Would you ever leave?


CARLSON: How long were you in the United States?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maybe like 10 years.

CARLSON: How did you get there?



WATTERS: The train, what train was that? Did you ever find out?

CARLSON: Yes, the train up through Mexico. It is a common route for people coming from Central America to Los Angeles, which was his route. He winds up in LA, an immigrant from El Salvador, one-third of the entire population of El Salvador now lives in the United States. So, it’s a very common path.

He gets a job as a building contractor doing drywall and electrical work, you know, not just a laborer and then he joins MS-13, and he is in for 10 years. He committed murder. Everyone in that prison had committed murder. They were all gang members and he gets deported back to El Salvador, where he is going to spend the rest of his life in a cell.

What’s so interesting is he didn’t become a member of the gang until he got to LA, until he got to the United States. And it’s just another reminder, there’s something about the way that we’re doing immigration that not only doesn’t work for us, it’s really counterproductive. Why would you come to this land of opportunity and join a murderer street gang and then commit murder?

Like, we’re not doing this right. And I think we all know that, but this was yet another reminder, one quick thing I’ll say is that El Salvador is responding I think in a way that we can learn from. How embarrassing is that? Learning from the government of El Salvador. But we can.

They have decided we’re not taking this crap anymore. You get what you put up with. We only have an out of control murder rate, because we’re allowing it to happen, no mas, we’re not doing this anymore. And they’ve really — I mean, they have dropped murders by 70 percent. We could do that if we wanted to in Baltimore and Chicago. Our leaders don’t want to.

WATTERS: And people like Mara Gay from “The New York Times” they don’t cover people from MS-13. You know, maybe if they were waving American flags that she would — that would get on her radar, but just if people don’t know what MS-13 is, these are the people that commit human sacrifice. These are the people that tear people’s heart out and tie people up and hack their ears off with knives.

You don’t hear a lot about it because it doesn’t happen on the Upper West Side. It doesn’t happen in Logan Circle. It happens in Suffolk County, Long Island, it happens maybe in Maryland, or in Iowa or in, you know, the outskirts in Texas.

But these are the kinds of things that are happening throughout the country and if you don’t put a spotlight on it, more and more people are going to die, and it just seems like today, the media doesn’t care about it, Tucker, and I’m glad you’re highlighting this. I’ll give you the last word.

CARLSON: Well, you’re exactly right. It’s really a class. The great divide in America is not race. I mean, Mara Gay is a member of the same class as everyone else on the set of “Morning, Joe,” right?

I mean, She is privileged only in a world with privilege could someone that stupid have that much influence. Clearly, she is benefiting from honor and privilege, obviously. But she is out to the Hamptons. She is offended by American flags. On her way out to the Hamptons, she passes by huge parts of Suffolk County that are dominated by MS-13. It doesn’t affect her. She doesn’t care. So, it’s a class divide, I think.

WATTERS: I saw a little class divide when you were at that prison, the blazer and everybody else in those prison garb. That looked — that was that was a shocking — a shocking visual.

Tucker Carlson.

CARLSON: Thank you.

WATTERS: Brave. Thank you.

CARLSON: Jesse Watters, thank you.

WATTERS: Hunter Biden using the N-word a lot. Next on WATTERS’ WORLD.


WATTERS: Where is Hunter? He is throwing around the N-word. The President’s son’s laptop from hell, reportedly filled with racial slurs. In texts from December 2018, Hunter asks his white lawyer, George Mesires, how much money he owes him because “N-word, you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.”

A month later, he texted his lawyer using the word again, reportedly saying, “I only love you because you’re black,” and then a response to him, “True that N-word.” There it is again.

WATTERS’ WORLD reached out to Hunter’s lawyer and the White House, but have not heard back.

Joe Biden and the mainstream media went silent on the story. So, what would happen if President Trump’s son used that word the same way? Joining me now VP of the Trump Organization, Donald Trump Jr.

So, Don, when you saw this hit, this laptop, what was the first thing that went through your mind?

DONALD TRUMP JR., EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: Well, I wrote a book called “Liberal Privilege.” And I think it’s exactly that because I’d love to watch Don Lemon have an aneurysm on CNN for his hour- show for the next 12 months. I’d love to see the media commentary on it. If it was me, or anyone in my family, even remotely talking something close to that.

It’s absolutely insane. That’s the double standard. They’ve been wrong, and you guys did a great job talking about it, whether it was your monologue, or whether it was Tucker. They were wrong about everything.

But the one that you got wrong, Jesse, or the one that you didn’t include was someone I know and is near and dear to my heart called MS-13 animals.


TRUMP JR.: Remember the media response? They were outraged that someone would call these incredible human beings, animals. So, I figured it was relevant to what you did with Tucker. That was another one they got wrong for the purpose of simply trying to hurt Donald Trump.

So, this media cover up is insane. What they are doing with Anthony Fauci is insane.

If attacking Anthony Fauci is an attack on science, then an attack on Bill Cosby is an attack on comedy. An attack on Jeffrey Dahmer is an attack on the culinary arts. Jesse, I mean, these people are morons and they’ve lost their minds.

WATTERS: Well, you talk about the cover up, and here is why I think they’re covering up, not just because they don’t want to cover the N-word scandal. It is because if they even acknowledged that that laptop contains the N- word, then they have to acknowledge that the laptop is real. They have to acknowledge that holding 10 for the big guy is real. And all the other scams the Biden family was running was actually reportable.

So, they can’t go near anything that comes out of the laptop, or else they’ll destroy the Biden presidency, because you open that laptop up, that’s a roadmap to impeachment.

TRUMP JR.: Yes, and again, I don’t know that they care. Again, remember, I remember last week when white supremacy was the greatest threat to American democracy ever. Yesterday or the day before? I guess it was now climate change again, maybe because Joe Biden seems to be surrounded by a lot of racists, whether it’s his son, or whether it’s really his policies and/or his words over his 50-year political career.

Again, they’ll do what they can to suppress that, and again, while we’re calling out the media on it, you know, we’re right now, they’re wrong. But let’s not forget, they got exactly what they wanted, Jesse. They don’t care about the truth. They were able to weaponize fake information to try to hurt Donald Trump, and that was their objective all along.

They were able to do that. They were able to sow the seeds of doubt in some of the American public. There are like a large percentage of Joe Biden voters that are now saying, oh, man, if I would have known, I’m like, if you would have known like, I wrote a book about it a year ago.

If all of these things were known, but when you have a multitrillion dollar mainstream media complex, combined with social media and Big Tech fully weaponized against conservatives, it’s really hard to get that message out.

So, there are people that get it. You get it. I get it. A few of us do, but when those people are suppressed so badly that average Americans, hardworking Americans that are now looking upon the mess whether it’s the border, whether it’s the Middle East, whether it’s energy independence, whether it’s fuel prices and commodity pricing, all of these things are a total disaster, and I told you so.

The problem is no one else did, even though they knew what was going to happen.

WATTERS: No, it’s rigged, and that’s what got your father in the White House to begin with. I just can’t imagine Hunter walking through the halls of the White House and running into Kamala Harris, who is black. I mean, that could be a little awkward.

TRUMP JR.: I get it. I think that would be an awkward moment.

WATTERS: A little awkward in the halls.

TRUMP JR.: It is going to be a little awkward.

WATTERS: All right, Don, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

“Live PD” in the house right back with Sergeant “Sticks” Larkin on how corrupt prosecutors and dope dealers try to set up cops.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Welcome to “FOX News Live.” I’m Jon Scott.

California Governor Gavin Newsom lifting most of his state’s COVID restrictions. The order rolls back rules on masks and distancing, although unvaccinated people are still being asked to wear face coverings in public. No word on how the state plans to enforce that.

Newsom was the first governor to issue a stay-at-home order at the beginning of the pandemic. The Democrats handling of the virus has sparked fierce criticism from Republicans who are hoping to beat him in a likely recall election this fall.

NASA is moving forward with plans to build an infrared telescope to defend Earth from incoming asteroids. The agency says the instrument can flag space rocks as far as 30 million miles away, making it easier to deflect them.

The telescope is on track to be completed and launched in roughly five years.

I’m Jon Scott. See you tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. Eastern for an all new “FOX Report.”

Now back to WATTERS WORLD.


WATTERS: “Live PD” classic. Last week, we asked Dan Abrams, is the show coming back? And he thinks it will be coming back soon. Thank God.

The reality show follow cops across the country as they patrol the streets showing a true “Day in the Life.” Now, maybe off the air, but reality isn’t. Police officers under assault every day in America. This is Rochester, New York just last week, officers trying to arrest an armed man wanted for multiple felonies, and you can see the gathering crowd just berates them.


WATTERS: Here to tell us about the war on cops, retired Tulsa PD Sergeant, Host of the podcast “Cop Tales” and author of “Breaking Blue: Real Life Stories of Cops Falsely Accused,” Sean “Sticks” Larkin.

All right, Sticks, so if you’re in that situation, you’re trying to calm things down and you’ve got a rowdy crowd around you. I mean, that is a lot to deal with. How do you deal with something like that?

SEAN “STICKS” LARKIN, RETIRED PD SERGEANT: Jesse, I’ve been in that exact situation, unfortunately, numerous times. I’ll tell you what, on your police radio, you’ve got a little red button. That’s the emergency button you hit where it makes everybody scream to you as fast as they can.

Now, you try to get as many bodies as you can. You know, we’ve got less lethal options such as, you know, crowd dispersing pepper spray and things like that.

WATTERS: And Sticks, it is not just on the streets, you have to deal with stuff going on in the courtroom when crooked prosecutors or defense attorneys collaborate with accused criminals, and they will just make stuff up about officers. How do officers deal with that?

LARKIN: You know, when I first came on this job, I was told from the very beginning, you’re not going to be fearful of getting hurt at work, you’re not going to be fearful of getting killed in the line of duty. Is it a real threat? Of course.

But you can’t work day to day thinking like that. What we are worried about especially now, is having your name spear smeared through social media for something you didn’t do wrong. It’s for being civilly sued for something you didn’t do wrong, for having your department investigate you because of a bogus allegation that came in and then you’re put on basically timeout on the department. Those are the things that we’re worried about.

And when I first came on again back in 1997, when we testified in court, we weren’t the bad guys. Now, every time we take the stand, the defense attorneys are coming after us. It’s no longer what is about the truth. It is how can we make this cop look bad that is on the stand and get my client off

WATTERS: They’ll do whatever it takes and they don’t have any morals with it. So, let’s give the people some advice. If they’re riding around, and someone likes Sticks Larkin pulls them over. All right, you approach the vehicle and you ask for license and registration. What is the calmest most respectful way that citizens can just get on with their lives and deal with the traffic stop, so we don’t have any of these crazy encounters that wind up getting people hurt?

LARKIN: Exactly. You know, I was a cop, I just retired three weeks ago.

WATTERS: Congrats.

LARKIN: Almost 25 years and during those 25 — thank you, sir. I appreciate it. And during those 25 years, I’ve been pulled over a handful of times myself speeding in Oklahoma or traveling across the country for driving over the speed limit.

As a police officer, I still knew every single time that I was pulled over, I had my hands on the steering wheel or even out the window while an officer approached my car and when they came up there and asked for a license and registration, I carried a gun in my car being a law enforcement officer. More and more people are carrying guns in their cars these days.

Whether you are doing it legally, illegally, tell the officer, hey, I’m grabbing my license from here. Hand over what he needs. Nothing that the police officers do is personal.

You know, we are human beings, sometimes we have good attitudes, sometimes we have bad attitudes. I will agree with that, but nothing is personal. So, if you just give us what we’re asking for, we’re not going to have that type of argument. And both people, both the officer and the citizen will go on their way.

WATTERS: That’s good advice, and when should we give you the PBA card? Should we hand that to you? Should we flash it?

LARKIN: Yes, you know, it’s all hidden behind the driver’s license. So when, you go to get your license. It’s like oh, actually, yeah, that’s what I have.

WATTERS: What’s that doing there? All right. Sticks Larkin, he has got the book, “Breaking Blue” and the podcast. Thank you so much, and congrats on the retirement and let’s hope, we get “Live PD” back, all right?

LARKIN: Boy, I hope so. Always a pleasure, Jesse. Thank you.

WATTERS: American needs it.

Joe Biden getting goofy oversees and governors bribing citizens with lap dances to get vaxxed. Raymond Arroyo is on deck.


WATTERS: So what’s the greatest threat facing the nation?


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: When I first was elected Vice President with President Obama, the military sat us down to let us know what the greatest threats facing America were, the greatest physical threats. This is not a joke.

You know what the Joint Chiefs told us the greatest threat facing America was — global warming.


WATTERS: Joining me now, FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo. I thought the greatest threat was white supremacy, Raymond. Now, it is the weather?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, last week, it was, Jesse. You know, we have these evolving existential threats. Now, why is Biden saying this to our military men and women abroad? I mean, if he is really concerned and he believes climate change is the big threat to American Security, he should declare the Arbor Force. Trump had the Space Force, have an Arbor Force. Have all these people go and plant, you know, trees in Kabul, see how that works out for us?

Look, these are these big distractions, Jesse. When you say climate change is the greatest threat that gets Biden off the hook for all the manmade disasters his policies have created at the border.

WATTERS: You’re exactly right.

ARROYO: The tensions with China et cetera.

WATTERS: Because, you know, it minimizes Russia, it minimizes China, it minimizes the deadly cartels that are pouring fentanyl over here and MS-13. It makes those things look less serious when you elevate something like climate change.

I don’t even think anybody in that audience in the military even believes that and if a Joint Chiefs member actually told the Vice President that, they should get fired.

All right, speaking of getting fired, Chris Harrison, “Bachelor” canceled, but you know what, I think he got paid handsomely. Something to the tune of $25 million, Raymond. Hey, if FOX wants to cancel me and give me 25 mil. Cancel me.

ARROYO: Well, you may have to do what Chris Harrison did, get a really good lawyer and threaten to spill all the beans. I mean, he had stories about producer complaints, drug using contestants — the whole nine yards.

Now look, he didn’t get a rose. He didn’t get to say his goodbyes or take a moment, but to walk away with tens of millions of dollars, not a bad deal for this gig.

But you know, two things emerge here, Jesse as I read this story and watched it evolve over the past few weeks. One, we have to inculcate and I think find a spirit of forgiveness. We can’t be on the patrol, this woke Puritanism that we’re all embracing, we’re all going to die on the pyre of this thing if we don’t do something to find it within ourselves to forgive people for perceived wrongs and move along.

And the second thing is, what are the guardrails here? What is the unforgivable sin? Nick Cannon, a few months ago, last year, talked about anti-Semitism. He talked about racism, all sorts of horrible things. He said he’s back on the job.

Why? Why is it different for Chris Harrison? Just what are the rules? We just want to know what the rules are. That’s all.

WATTERS: Well, there are no rules. I think the liberals make the rules for us, and then they don’t follow their own rules and that’s why Hunter Biden is still wandering around the Oval Office and Chris Harrison who barely did anything like he did, he didn’t use the N-word like Hunter Biden did, he is now — he is now, well, I guess he was paid handsomely, but —

ARROYO: Cancelled.

WATTERS: But cancelled. I don’t get to watch him hand out roses. They’re handing out more than roses across the country. They’re handing out cannabis. They’re handing out lap dances, Raymond, if you get vaxxed.

ARROYO: I saw that.

WATTERS: Now, I heard a rumor that you will now want to get vaccinated again, if you’re going to get a free lap dance. Is that true?

ARROYO: That is not true. That is demonstrably not true. I disown that comment.

Look, the people who this kind of low rent inducement would appeal to are probably the people who don’t need them. If we’re worried about health outcomes, Jesse, why are we giving people free weed, free booze, and strippers on poles? I don’t understand any of this.

But when you step back a second and you look at what’s happening. First of all, the stripper thing, when I read that, Larry Flynn’s club is giving out, you know, membership passes and bottles of booze to people who get vaccinated. In New Orleans, we are having a crisis. There are no strippers in the clubs because they’re on unemployment checks, and they don’t want to go back to the pole.

So, these guys better check the clubs before they sign up for the vaccine. I’m just saying. You might get more than you bargained for in that VIP room.

WATTERS: So, Raymond is saying we don’t have a crisis at the border, the crisis is at that strip clubs in New Orleans.

ARROYO: It could be.

WATTERS: They’ve got to get rid of that $300.00 bonus so they get back on the pole. I didn’t say it, Raymond said it and you can send all your complaints to me.

ARROYO: I am pointing out to a news story.

WATTERS: That’s right. No opinion whatsoever. Thank you, Raymond.

ARROYO: Not at all.

WATTERS: All right.

ARROYO: Thank you, my friend.

WATTERS: TikTok trends. Try not to kill yourself on the internet, people. The dumbest things, next.


WATTERS: TikTok, the biggest app in the world right now. Everyone wants to be a star, I mean, what do I know?

We want attention and we’ll do anything to go viral. Extreme challenges dominate TikTok. People daring each other to do dumb things and record it. Heart attacks, broken bones, fires, even death resulting from these crazy trends.

FOX News 24/7 reporter, Carley Shimkus is here to break them down. All right, Carley, the skull breaker challenge. That sounds really dangerous.

CARLEY SHIMKUS, FOX NEWS HEADLINES 24/7 REPORTER: The skull breaker challenge. Yes. Okay, so two people stand on either side of the victim and the person jumps and they kick the poor kid’s legs out.

This is really popular earlier last year. A lot of kids went to the hospital and two teenagers even were charged with assault for doing this in New Jersey.

WATTERS: Yes, you don’t want to do a TikTok challenge where you could be brought up on charges. Number two, the penny challenge. Now, I would admit this might be something that I would do as a teenager, but it looks like you could possibly get electrocuted.

SHIMKUS: Oh yes. And also you could face charges as well because what you do here is you plug the charger into an outlet, drop a penny in the gap, it creates a spark, you could set your whole house on fire and two teenagers in Massachusetts were charged with arson for doing this at their school. So, now we have assault and arson.

WATTERS: Wow. Yes, mom, I got suspended for burning the school down.

SHIMKUS: That’s in that phone call.

WATTERS: Yes, not good one. Number three, we have the corncob challenge.

SHIMKUS: This one is a little more innocent. You’re looking at Jason Derulo doing that. He is a singer for those who don’t know. You put a corn cob on a drill you turn the drill on it’s sort of like a life hack type thing.


SHIMKUS: He chipped his tooth doing it and if you do, do this, and you’re single, you automatically become undateable because the only thing a girl is going to see is corn flying out of your mouth for the rest of your life.


SHIMKUS: Swipe left on that one.

WATTERS: Swipe left. All right, unless you’re a hockey player, I think girls like if you’re missing a tooth. Number four, basketball beer challenge. Now this one doesn’t seem that dangerous.

SHIMKUS: This one actually seems kind of fun.

WATTERS: Actually, we’ve got the guy and the bread basket.

SHIMKUS: I like this one, right, so you — it is right there. You put a beer on a basketball. You drop the basketball. You try and catch the beer. Can’t be that hard, Jesse, I think I could do this one.

WATTERS: All right. We don’t endorse it though, right, Carley, or do we? Are you endorsing this?

SHIMKUS: We endorse this one.

WATTERS: We endorse this one.

SHIMKUS: Yes, absolutely.

WATTERS: Well, Carley Shimkus, FOX 24/7 endorses this.

SHIMKUS: Unless you get hurt, bill to Jesse.

WATTERS: Right. Send them over here. The full face wax. What’s that about?

SHIMKUS: The full face wax. Okay, so somebody a barber, whoever you go to, puts wax all over your face and aggressively rips it off. I guess, this is in place of shaving.

WATTERS: Does the hair grow back?

SHIMKUS: So, skin care experts and — yes, I guess and you know —

WATTERS: So I’ve never had to shave again.

SHIMKUS: No, the hair will grow back. There’s absolutely no reason to do this unless you don’t want to breathe for a few minutes.

WATTERS: All right. And to the haters, this is not a guy in blackface. That is wax on his face. I just want to clarify for the audience.


WATTERS: Number six, the last one, dry scooping challenge. Now, people are eating that powder like a pre-workout.

SHIMKUS: Pre-workout powder.

WATTERS: Protein.

SHIMKUS: I didn’t know that pre-workout powder was a thing. But yes, apparently it’s really high in caffeine. It comes in powder form. You’re supposed to put it in a water bottle. But teenagers are just putting it directly into their mouth. And like I said, high in caffeine.

So if you have an undiagnosed heart condition, this could be really bad. Which is why there’s a 20-year-old woman who said that she had a heart attack because of this. That woman apparently was a stripper. That doesn’t have anything to the story, but I just thought that you would appreciate that.

WATTERS: You thought that was important for me to know.

SHIMKUS: Yes. She is okay, thank God.

WATTERS: She is okay. All right. Well, there she is, Carley who doesn’t endorse any of them. Except one.

SHIMKUS: The beer one kind of sounds like fund. I don’t know. I mean, you can’t get hurt that bad.

WATTERS: All right, send the bills my way. Carley, thank you.

SHIMKUS: Yes. All right. See you.

WATTERS: Up next, “Last Call.”


WATTERS: Before you know it, Father’s Day is going to be here and I have the perfect gift, a signed copy of “How I Saved the World.” Now you won’t get the physical copy and time for Father’s Day, but you will get a little certificate, you just print it out at home and then you’ll let dad know that a signed copy is going to be on his doorsteps on July 6th.

And the only way to do this if you had to,, so go to that now and make dad happy for Father’s Day. It’s what every dad wants.

It’s basically — I started here at FOX in the basement, and now look at me, I have a bunch of shows and it tells the story about how my liberal parents sent me into the wilderness to survival camps and how I survived and then how I survived at FOX.

You know go into these beaches with these college students and asking them who won the Civil War. They just say France and basically hanging out with the President on Air Force One. Stories that I’ve never told anybody. You will learn in “How I Saved the World.”

And I saved it because you’re here watching.

That’s all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. “JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE” is next, and remember, I’m Watters and this is my world.

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