Its bill went a step further than those passed in the ACT or Queensland by explicitly banning the use of the practice in religious settings.

Equal Voices WA convenor Wendy Hendry said the Victorian legislation was a good model which should be carefully considered by the WA government.

“Too many of our friends and supporters have been harmed by such practices,” she said.

“It is absolutely vital that legislation should apply to all people and entities, not just health and community service providers.”

Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson in May said the McGowan government would look at the use of conversion therapies by religious organisations.

“That needs to be dealt with in separate legislation, and certainly the government is investigating that and how that may be implemented,” she told parliament.


A report by La Trobe University last year found the majority of conversion therapy practice occurred in religious settings.

Survivors reported experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and a deep sense of shame.

In its submission, the Anglican Diocese of Perth said it had not formed a view on any potential laws, but conversion therapy did not occur in its agencies.

The Uniting Church WA recognised the practice as harmful and encouraged the government to consult with people of faith in shaping any ban.

At least 15 young women who had been under state care went on to reside at the Esther Foundation between 2005 and 2020, according to WA’s Department of Communities.

Five were formally placed there, one self-referred and it was unclear who had initiated the contact for the remaining nine, the department said in its submission.

The state government also purchased a $3.9 million property in Kalamunda in 2010 and provided it to the foundation on a peppercorn lease.

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