2 1/2 years as Alderman of Ward 6 I believe, over the course of the last two years, I’ve made progress in meeting the goals I’ve made to the residents of Ward 6. If elected for a full term, I am confident the needs of my constituents will continue to be a priority, and I will build on the work we’ve started. Economic instability, crime, and housing affordability. I do not believe that it would drastically increase the turnout in the vote or increase participation amongst candidates as expected. If there is a change to the local election process, it should be for candidates to have access to funds for campaigns. This would provide an opportunity to those who wish to share their concerns for their communities but lack the necessary funds or connections to participate. In the coming year, the city will allow residents the chance to participate in a survey weighing public opinion on cuts to city services. Using that date we can make the necessary changes to department budgets and open conversations with the county on the consolidation of services. Continuing to support small businesses in the City that employs hundreds of residents. I’ve made efforts as a councilman to include the public in any discussion the council has had. In particular, in Ward 6 regarding housing discussions with HACA and the recent lawsuit, discussions amongst the Public Safety Committee, and ongoing debates over water access in the Eastport area. Due to us being a capital city – I do not believe we can completely dissolve a city department. Looking at certain departments like Police, Fire, and Recreation, and Parks we can converse with County leadership to see what availability they have to assist us in those areas. As crime is important to my Ward, I would not favor significant cuts to the Police Department. Water access is important to the residence of Ward 6 and I believe I’ve made efforts to communicate that to the appropriate City staff in our efforts to secure access. I do believe we should be more aggressive – particularly with development currently in progress near our waterways. Eminent domain should be used when necessary to protect access. In the future development of those properties, we have to increase access to public transit, business development opportunities and revitalize public parks for recreational activity. Redeveloping with the focus of long-term economic stability for future tenants requires access to those three resources. The Housing Affordability Task Force has created a 10-point plan that will assist in improving the quality of housing, increase the housing stock, and focus on creating housing programs. Additionally, I’ve worked with the Anne Arundel County State Delegation to secure funds for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to assist with the cost of living for city residents. I support the administration in their efforts to push for the city dock revitalization funding to fight flooding and sea-level rise in the downtown area. If elected – we must find the dollars to expand this project to the Eastport area too. Working with the County Health Department, Offices of Emergency Management, Community Services, and Mayor. I will continue to fight for a fully funded opioid intervention team, providing residents with social assistance directly in the communities. We’ve had success in the past utilizing this approach with the assistance of both the Fire and Police Department. The Police Department has made significant progress in its efforts to establish a relationship with the community. At this point, it would be foolish to turn our back on the department when they’ve made clear they need our support. I want the best for my community also and realize their trauma must be taken seriously, this is best fixed with consistent positive experiences on calls and in general walk-throughs of the community. Yes, we desperately need to attract development to increase employment opportunities and housing options in the City. I favor development, but smart growth development doesn’t mean a skyscraper on every block but using available land or existing buildings to their full potential. Primarily mixed-used development with housing and jobs near. It is already full-time. When elected you commit to a 24/7 role of engaging with constituents and using time in the chamber to create effective policy. I don’t support term limits because that is the job of the voters. If they feel you have been effective they will continue to elect you, if not you will be replaced.