TheValencia will host the Gay Games in 2026 after beating Cities Manish (Germany) and Guadalajara (Mexico).
After months of preparation and the final presentation of the candidacy in front of Federation of Gay Games (FGG)The Valencia delegation succeeded in convincing the referees and became the official venue for these games.
From Brighton, the representation of the Valencia nominee demonstrated, through a statement, “joy and satisfaction” with the FGG judgment and expressed confidence that Valencia “is a city at the height of an international event such as the Gay Games”.
“The work behind the candidacy of Valencia to host the Gay Games has paid off and for this we are very proud. However, it must be said that if Valencia was chosen, it is also because of the values that it represents.”, the city council sports consultant appreciated, Pilar Barnab.
We are a tolerant and inclusive city, a place where all people, without exception, can enjoy wide cultural, sports and entertainment offerings.
“We are a tolerant and inclusive city, a place where all people, without exception, can enjoy its wide cultural, sports and entertainment offerings,” he added.
Likewise, the delegation ensures that the FIFA has decided on Valencia due to its “ability to host an event of the dimensions of the LGBT games” and after considering it Infrastructure and sports equipment of sufficient quality.
Likewise, it was emphasized that accessibility and connections with the city, a commitment to sustainability and green spaces, as well as “the possibilities for personal development that the city offers to all people, regardless of their gender, have also been appreciated. Ethnic origin, disability or sexual orientation” since the Valencia nomination.
The Valencia delegation was officials from the City of Valencia, Visit Valencia, the Foundation for Municipal Sports (FDM), Lamda, ADI, the Association of Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual Businesses and Professionals from the Valencian Community (AVEGAL) and LGTBI Sports Clubs + Samarucs and Dracs-.
mayor of valencia, Joan Rip, celebrated the election of the city on social networks. “We are in luck! #Valencia continues to be a city of reference in sport and diversity!” , confirmed.
In addition, from the Valencia Council, it was confirmed that more than 15,000 people will participate in the competition, who will compete in 36 sports modes.

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