
US Gay Bars Enforce ‘No Vaccine, No Entry’ Policy – Star Observer

LGBTQ+ venues across the US are sending a clear message to patrons; ‘Get  the jab if you want to party.’

Gay bars and nightclubs are increasingly requiring  would-be-revellers to supply not only a valid form of photo ID but also proof  of vaccination in order to gain entry. 

Recent reports that several attendees of the LGBTQI+ street fair Folsom Street Market in  San Francisco on July 25, tested positive for COVID-19, seem to have spurred more queer venues to mandate proof of jabs for entry into their premises. 

Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated

Rochelle Walensky, Director for the Center for Disease Control and  Prevention in the US had stated that COVID-19,“is becoming a pandemic of the  unvaccinated.” 


While many establishments are clearly explaining their vaccination policy on  their social media accounts, the move still has attracted backlash from some patrons. 

Ibiza Nightclub in Wilmington, North Carolina posted on their social media  pages, “We are making VACCINATION CARDS MANDATORY…for anyone  who wishes to enter through our doors going forward. We are sorry for any  inconvenience this may cause and hope everyone understands your health  and the health of others is more important to us than anything.” 

While the news met with a generally positive response, one Ibiza customer  commented, “I’ll never go back to this club until they lift this mandate!” 

Ibiza doubled down on its policy in another recent post. “This Delta COVID  variant is pretty serious stuff and while everyone has to make their own  choice we are asking that you get the vaccine before coming to Ibiza if you  haven’t already.” 

‘Bring Your Vaccine Card’

In New York City, Rockbar posted on its Instagram page, “Bring your vaccine  card…NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Get vaccinated to come drink, dance and play  with us again.” 

Rockbar owner Jason Romas, told Star Observer, said the  “vaccination policy has been working really well. We implemented it as soon  as NYC announced we could do that. People need to present their proof of  vaccination and their ID to enter.”

The policy hasn’t made everyone happy, admits Romas. “There has been  some push back when they aren’t allowed in, but it is a small amount in  contrast to having people feel safe inside. Many of our customers, especially  the older ones have thanked us for doing this, as they feel safer with the  policy.” 

Romas decided to implement the policy for several reasons. “At one point all  of the staff had the virus. Two of them were very sick and hospitalised.  Thankfully they survived. I feel better knowing the vaccine can make that not  happen to anyone else. I would rather lose the few dollars [than let]  unvaccinated people in if it means no one will die and life can have some  feeling of normalcy return.”  

Incentive To Get Vaccinated

New York City hotspot, Club Cumming, owned by actor Alan Cumming,  began requiring customers to be vaccinated in May.

The club, posting on its  Instagram page, said, “We will kindly ask for proof of vaccinations order to  enter our venue…we decided to adopt this new policy not as a way to  discriminate but as a way to encourage our community to get vaccinated.  We hope that being able to enjoy all of the benefits of all the fun things that  our great city offers will work as a powerful incentive for those on the fence  to get their shots. So please get this done and join the party.” 

One commentator expressed concerns over Club Cumming’s policy saying,  “Queer spaces should be especially mindful of what it means to create  unequal tiers of access to public accommodations, especially when that  access is predicated on unequal (and racialized) access to other public  goods, like healthcare and vaccination. This is a real shame.” 

The vaccination requirement put in place by Club Cumming, Rockbar and  others, predates a motion by New York City to require proof of vaccination  when entering any indoor business. The policy is set to be enforced from September 13.

“If you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to  participate in many things. If you want to participate in society fully, you’ve  got to get vaccinated,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. 

Romas is thrilled by the move. “I cannot wait and I hope it helps to end this  virus and other cities take this example and copy it.” 

San Francisco Bar Owners Lead With COVID Safe Measures

Other cities, indeed, have begun to follow suit. The office of San Francisco  Mayor London Breed announced on August 13, that proof of vaccination  would be required for entry to “certain indoor businesses and all large indoor  events.”

The businesses include “bars, restaurants, clubs, theatres  and entertainment venues.” Additionally, indoor venues holding large events,  with 1000 people or more will require attendees, 12 years or older, to provide proof of vaccination, making the city the first in the US to implement such a  requirement. 

San Francisco bar owners, however, have been one step ahead of the announcement. On July 26, the San Francisco Bar Owner’s  Alliance voted 85 percent in favour of requiring patrons to provide evidence  of vaccination or a recent negative test in order to enter member  establishments. 

The Powerhouse in San Francisco posted “Mask on ALWAYS unless taking a  sip, swallow or guzzle…proof of vaccination REQUIRED too! Let’s nip this in  the butt…bud.”

In response, one customer replied that the move was “one of  the many reasons why I like the Powerhouse. Y’all care about who walks  through your door,” while another argued “masks are not going to save  anyone nor will the vax.”

The Eagle San Francisco also requires proof of  vaccination and its website clearly sets out its condition of entry. 

Cal Callahan, the District Manager for the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District  in San Francisco, which hosts an outdoor event, SOMA Second Saturdays,  told the Star Observer that since the event is outdoors “we cannot require  proof of vaccination, but masking is mandatory for volunteers, vendors and  staff. Volunteers greeting attendees will strongly encourage masking, and all  our promotional material has added that.” 


Callahan also noted that even before the Mayor announced the new  regulations, “Most of the bars were extremely proactive in demanding proof  of vaccination for indoor service. Many have an outdoor option where non vaccinated or those without proof can sit.” 

Backlash From Some Customers

Akbar, in the Silverlake district of Los Angeles, posted, “Proof of vaccination  and a mask are now required to gain entry into Akbar…we value our  community health and feel we all must accept the responsibility to keep each  other safe while socialising.”

Akbar customers expressed their support, with  one saying, “Wow, Akbar is leading the way,” while another called it a  “fantastic move.” 

Speaking with the Star Observer, Akbar co-owner Peter Alexander, said they  had “nearly unanimous positive acceptance,” of the policy. “People seem  happy to do what it takes to feel safer in public and being in a room full of  vaccinated people gives them that.” 

The Boulevard Bar in Pasadena, California meanwhile hosted a vaccination  clinic which had “great attendance,” a spokesperson told the Star Observer,  who also noted that their own vaccination requirement had received “little  backlash.”

Mandatory vaccination policies have been criticised by some who say a pre exisiting medical condition prevents them from being vaccinated, and argue  the move is essentially discriminating against them.

When asked if Akbar had  a medical exemption policy in place, Peter Alexander said they hadn’t, but  that their immediate question was “why would you want to come into a  crowded bar if you’re not vaccinated?” 

Many Gay Bars Shut Down Permanently During Pandemic

Ibiza Nightclub Wilmington. Image: Facebook

The move for mandatory proof of vaccination comes at a vital time for the  industry as bars and other LGBTQ+ businesses begin to reopen after being  shuttered since the beginning of the pandemic.

Prior to the onset of  COVID-19, many bars, including the Boulevard, catering to the LGBTQ+  community were already faced with severe cash flow issues. A study by  Greggor Mattson found that an estimated 37 percent of LGBTQ+ bars in the  US shut their doors permanently between 2007 to 2019. 

Making vaccinations a requirement for entry follows the  highly controversial behaviour of some members of the LGBTQ+ community  during the first waves of the COVID pandemic last year.

Social media vigilantes, such as the now-infamous Gays Over COVID instagram account, began to  circulate photos and videos of people attending raves and other large-scale  LGBTQ+ events, without masks and other protective measures while the  pandemic raged around them.

The seeming indifference of the partygoers to  the virus created heated discussions about personal responsibility and a  perceived lack of ethical behaviour. The move to make vaccinations  mandatory for entry may soothe some critics who saw the LGBTQ+  community as valuing their enjoyment over their own health. 

The Star Observer reached out to a number of LGBTQ+ establishments  in the Sydney area to gauge whether similar requirements will be in place  following the lifting of the lockdown, and will update the story when we receive their responses.