World Gay News

United Methodists Elect Another Gay Bishop, Set Liberal New Direction – Juicy Ecumenism

Institute on Religion & Democracy Press Release
Contact: Jeff Walton: (202)413-5639, [email protected]

Leaders of the United Methodist Church, gathered in five locations across the country this week for jurisdictional conferences to elect new bishops to steer America’s second-largest Protestant denomination.

These meetings made clear the denomination’s dramatically liberal new direction:

Furthermore, jurisdictional conferences across America, even in previously conservative Southern regions, adopted resolutions calling for effectively purging conservatives from denominational leadership (under the misleading pretext of denominational loyalty) and pushing immediate, de facto policy changes to disregard longstanding rules prohibiting same-sex weddings. 

IRD UMAction Director John Lomperis commented:

“This is no longer your parents’ United Methodist Church. Left-wing radicalism and rude intolerance of moderate and conservative church members are now increasingly dominant.

“These decisions show that widespread claims that conservatives are ‘welcome to stay’ really mean that liberal leaders want to take our money, but not hear our input—taxation without representation.

“These shifts will encourage more congregations to join the growing exodus from the UMC into the new Global Methodist Church.”