When I was being brought up, “Pride” was a sin. Now it has a whole month to itself. Perhaps the six other deadly sins should follow suit. Who’s up for “gluttony” month, or “lust” month? We already have a “sloth” month. It’s called August.

It’s one of many reasons why, despite being gay myself, I have always had a problem with Pride month. Decades ago there used to be gay rights marches. Then, once society had become more accepting, these turned into “Pride” parades. Personally I couldn’t understand the switch. It’s not like people “choose” to be gay. But if you shouldn’t feel shame over a thing then there’s no reason why you should feel pride over it either. It just is. Like having brown hair, or blue eyes. Why feel “pride”?

Then there was the mission creep. Pride went from a march to a week and then a month. We have Armed Forces Day in America. Why should being gay have a month while the military only has a day?

Then there is the corporate cynicism of the thing. When gay rights were difficult to argue for, most major companies were nowhere to be seen. Some would fire employees if they found out they were gay. That was when corporations, government departments and more could have been some help. But no — they were silent while the heavy lifting was needed.

There are some people (a very tiny number) who feel that they have been born in the wrong body. We still have no idea why.
There are some people (a very tiny number) who feel that they have been born in the wrong body. We still have no idea why.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Yet now that the battle is won you can’t walk anywhere in New York without the big banks telling you how wonderfully proud they are. Every corporate billboard shouts “magical rainbow people.” I’ve even seen Pride cakes. As though anyone wants to eat a cake based on sex preferences.

Worst, however, is the dark turn that “Pride” and the whole “LGBTQIA+” (insert initials at will) movement has taken. And that is at the corner of trans.

As I wrote in my 2019 book “The Madness of Crowds,” it isn’t at all clear that being gay and being trans have anything in common. Being gay means that you are attracted to members of the same sex as you. Being trans means . . . Well we´re still actually not certain what it means.

A sane society would feel humble about that fact. There are some people (a very tiny number) who feel that they have been born in the wrong body. We still have no idea why. If trans means anything, then it applies to those people. But in the last decade there has been mission creep. The move to accept trans has now moved into an acceptance that there are a hundred different genders (two-spirit, non-binary etc.) and that biological sex does not exist. If the gay rights movement had started by saying “We’re here, we’re queer, and so men and women don’t exist” I doubt it would have gone very far.

But in no time the trans movement has come very far indeed. So far in fact that our whole society is being force-fed ideas that haven’t even been thought over. Every week I hear from parents whose children are being taught utterly deranging nonsense.

For instance there is the idea that if a child or teenager feels in any way strange about their body they might be trans. Well excuse me, but that would make 100% of teenagers trans. When you’re growing up everybody feels funny about their body. Growing up can be scary. Every child at some point will feel like they don’t fit in. Is that because they are ”trans”? Or just because they are just kids? In the vast majority of cases it will be the latter.

Sadly the number of people who haven’t thought about this includes the US President. On Wednesday Biden issued an executive order which sought to address “conversion therapy.” Families of LGBTQ kids should “let them be themselves” said the President. As though that is obvious, and that children always and everywhere knows what their true “self” is.

“Trans conversion therapy” is now being defined as any attempt to even question a child who says they might be trans.
“Trans conversion therapy” is now being defined as any attempt to even question a child who says they might be trans.
Corbis via Getty Images

In fact this is an ideological car crash. Gay conversion therapy is outlawed not just because it is cruel but because it does not work. There is no serious evidence to suggest that you can make someone stop being same-sex attracted. But Biden and co have now added “trans conversion therapy” into the same category. And here is a disaster for this nation’s children.

Because “trans conversion therapy” is now being defined as any attempt to even question a child who says they might be trans. I have spoken with New York parents who have been told off by their children’s schools for daring to question their child.

But what the hell do children know? Children are not born wise or with complete self-knowledge. They are — by nature — highly suggestible. If a child lives in a society that tells them they might be trans then some will mistakenly believe it. Most will turn out to be perfectly straight or gay. And some of the latter might see being trans as an easier — and more acceptable — solution. I know this from interviewing such people and hearing about the terrible consequences.

Because if you are “trans” then a set of other things must follow. You will be told you should take hormones or puberty blockers. You will be told these are reversible though they are not. If you are a girl you will be encouraged to have “top-surgery,” a k a a mastectomy. Does nobody apart from parents see the madness of this? Does nobody but the public see how mad it is that we now live in a society in which if a girl says they are a boy we are all meant to celebrate them. Whereas if a girl says they are a boy and we say “are you sure about that?” we are engaging in “conversion therapy.”

Gay people often struggle to sort out their sexuality in their teens. The worst that can happen is a few broken hearts. But allowing surgery or hormones on someone who is still sorting on their gender leaves broken bodies.

That’s the problem with pride. Like all sins, it thrives in ignorance.

There will be a reckoning one day for all the adults who pushed such mass delusion on this nation’s children.

After all, what is that comes before a fall again? Oh yes. Pride.