Tom Daley has called for countries that punish being gay with death to be banned from the 2024 Olympics.

Britain’s Olympic diving champion said he was making it his mission to “create change” before the Paris Games in three years’ time.

“There were more out LGBT athletes in Tokyo than any of the previous Olympics combined, which is a great step forward,” Daley told the Attitude Awards in London.

“Yet there are still 10 countries that punish being gay with death that were still allowed to compete at the Olympic Games. I think that is quite shocking to a lot of people.

“I want to make it my mission, hopefully before the Paris Olympics, to make it so that the countries that criminalise and punish by death LGBT people are not allowed to compete.”

An emotional Daley after winning Olympic gold in Tokyo

According to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association the death penalty is the legally prescribed punishment for consensual same-sex sexual acts in Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and parts of Nigeria.

ILGA say the death penalty could potentially also be imposed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia and the United Arab Emirates.

“Those 10 countries where you can’t be yourself should not be allowed to compete at the Olympic Games,” Daley added. “And they definitely should not be allowed to host an Olympic Games.

Daley and Matty Lee celebrate winning synchro diving gold medal
Daily Mirror/Andy Stenning)

“The World Cup coming up in Qatar has extreme rules against LGBT people and about women and I think it should not be allowed for a sporting event to host in a country that criminalises against basic human rights.

“So that is going to be my mission now to try and change that.

“I am incredibly lucky to come from Great Britain where I am able to be my true authentic self and compete without worry of ramification.

“And I feel like wherever you are born you should be able to have that stress taken away from you.”