It’s Day Ten of 2022 Pride, so when I got smacked in the face with what felt like extra GAY VIBES yesterday, I just wrote it off as a symptom of the season, like how my migraine auras always turn circus-colored in June. But then! An Autostraddle A+ member sent in a hot tip that explained why I’ve felt like I’m getting super powers over the last 24 hours! Tobin Heath, famous for being a world-class soccer player and also being wrapped up by Christen Press like a Christmas present one time in the snow, posted a photo of herself on Instagram, sitting on the back of some Subaru-looking car, wearing a hoodie that says GAY VIBES.

Oh, hi.

No wonder I suddenly feel like I could transform a rainbow into a lasso and wield it like Wonder Woman! And that’s not even all! Tobin Heath’s aforementioned dear, dear pal and snow canoodler, Christen Press — herself also a world-class soccer player — is out in the wild wearing a shirt that says, “A day without lesbians is like a day without sunshine.” Which is true! And something you probably would not wear on your body without the experience to back it up, I would assume!

The shirts are both from re—inc, the clothing company these two buddies own with Megan Rapinoe (maybe you’ve heard of her). You can also buy shirts from their store that say things like QUEER QUEER QUEER, GAY IS GOOD, and RE-IMAGINE LIBERATION. Obviously gay people made this merch because when straight people do things for Pride, it’s like two top or two bottom buns on a Whopper, or an LGBTQ-themed Bud Light ad talking about Let’s Get Beers Tonight, Queens! That? Is not GAY VIBES.

Our intrepid Autostraddle A+ member who sent in this tip also wondered: “Did Tobin Heath just come out? I hope so!”

Dykes, friend! I mean — yikes, friend: I unfortunately cannot answer that question! As far as I’m aware, neither Tobin Heath nor Christian Press have ever directly addressed their sexuality or their, um, companionship. They simply wear clothes promoting gayness as a concept, follow each other all over the world for vacation and soccer matches, occasionally almost smash their faces together in on-pitch celebrations, have a “ship” name that summons “delete this!” lesbians like some kind of sporty Blood Mary, and I’ve literally never seen either of them near a man who isn’t a soccer coach. But. No. I cannot answer that question.

If any other Autostraddle A+ members stumble over any GAY VIBES out there in the world, you, of course, have access to our exclusive A+ member box where you could just drop that information right off. I would be MORE than happy to stop what I’m doing and investigate alongside you.

In the meantime, I’ll be over wearing a hoodie that says Queer as Fuck, due to being a person who is Queer as Fuck.

Happy Pride!

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