Title IX Beyond Sports, 50 Years Later: Rutgers Scholars Available to Discuss Impact
Rutgers experts can discuss the significance of Title IX in their fields across a wide range of topics and its 50 years of impact as well as analyze current events and trends that contribute to the ongoing story of equal rights for women.
Full commentary can be found: newbrunswick.rutgers.edu/titleIX
Lisa Kaplowitz, Female Athletes, Women at Work, Equal Pay
Kaplowitz’s advocacy for women began as a scholar-athlete at Brown University when she was part of the landmark Title IX case, Cohen v. Brown University, which served to help even the playing field nationwide for college sports. Kaplowitz, an assistant professor of professional practice in the Finance and Economics department at Rutgers Business School, is a former investment banker and chief financial officer. She co-founded and leads the Rutgers Center for Women in Business, whose mission is to remove barriers for women. She also is the founder of Brown Athletics W.O.M.E.N. (Women’s Opportunity, Mentorship & Empowerment Network).
Perry N. Halkitis, Sex-Based Discrimination and LGTBQ+ Rights
Perry N. Halkitis is the dean and professor of biostatistics and urban-global public health at the Rutgers School of Public Health. He is a well-known and nationally recognized public health psychologist, researcher, educator and advocate. His research specializes in infectious diseases to determine and target the biological, behavioral, psychosocial, and structural factors that predispose HIV, HPV, COVID-19 and other pathogens. Halkitis is the author of Out in Time: The Public Lives of Gay Men from Stonewall to the Queer Generation and The AIDS Generation: Stories of Survival and Resilience.
Lisa Klein, Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Klein, Distinguished Professor and chair of the Materials Science and Engineering department at Rutgers, was the first woman in the Rutgers School of Engineering hired to a tenure track position in 1977 and the first woman tenured in the school. “When Title IX was enacted in 1972, I was a senior at a university primarily focused on engineering,” she said. “Women students were less than 5 percent of the student body. We were told that the number of women students was restricted because there was only one dormitory, and once the beds filled, it was not possible to admit any more.”
Sarah McMahon, Sexual Violence and Harassment on College Campuses
McMahon is an associate professor at the Rutgers School of Social Work and serves as the director for the school’s Center for Research on Ending Violence. McMahon, whose research focuses on interpersonal violence, has extensive experience with college students to measure their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to sexual violence. In 2014, she collaborated with the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault through the testing of a campus climate survey tool.
Pamela Alberto, Women in Health Care
A clinical associate professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Alberto endured a litany of sexist commentary during dental school in the 1970s and later when she was applying for a residency. “They told me it wouldn’t work because I was married and I needed to be home to make dinner for my husband,’’ said Alberto, who played on the women’s ice hockey team at the University of Pennsylvania. “They told me how grueling and terrible the emergency room is and that it was no place for a woman.’’ Nevertheless, she persisted, eventually becoming the second woman oral surgeon in New Jersey.
Gloria Bachman, Impact on Women’s Health
Bachman has moved women’s health to the next level in menopause, perinatal issues and obstetrical safety, sexual health, gynecologic pain syndromes and LGBT wellness. Bachman, who pursued obstetrics and gynecology at a time when most of these clinicians were men, is the director of Women’s Health Institute at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
Tamara Lee, Labor Laws & Discrimination
Lee, an assistant professor of labor studies and employment relations, is also an industrial engineer and labor lawyer by professional training. She is a leading scholar of critical industrial relations whose research focuses on the intersection of labor and racial justice, cross-movement solidarity building and the impact of radical adult education on workplace democracy in the United States and Cuba. Her teaching focuses on identity and worker justice in and outside the workplace.
Kiamsha Bynes, Black Women in Sports
Bynes is a Rutgers doctoral student focusing on 19th– and 20th-century African-American history and women’s history. Bynes researches the intersections of race, politics, gender and sexuality in sports. Her work explores the social policing of black femininity in sports and how racial stereotyping and gendering have controlled the representation of black women in sports.
Jean Sinzdak, Women in Politics
Sinzdak is the associate director of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers. She is an expert on milestones in women’s political history, candidate recruitment and training and state legislatures. Sinzdak directs CAWP’s Program for Women Public Officials, which aims to increase the impact of women in politics and make political women’s leadership more effective through events and programs for women officeholders, candidates and campaign operatives. She is expanding the national network of Ready to Run® campaign trainings for women, a bipartisan effort to recruit and train women to run for all levels of office.