Dear Emily

In a lot of ways I think you were the first person I was truly ever in love with. Even though I couldn’t see it at the time, part of me knew we would always be connected. For a long time as a kid I sort of knew I was different, but as is with adolescents, I worked incredibly hard to shrink and bury those parts of myself out of fear. When we first met, I admit you terrified me; your earth-shattering energy, unshakeable sense of self and awe-striking beauty. That kind of fear almost always translates to dislike when you’re 14. And for a long time I thought I did, the truth is it was thinly veiled envy wrapped in disbelief. I couldn’t believe someone so young could be so undeterred by the insecurities and distress that come with being young and confused but you just weren’t, you never were.

But also, you seemed to be one of the few people who truly saw me, not the projection of myself I wanted them to believe, but the me who I was always meant to be. You’re brave, and not in the sly way people give backhanded compliments. You’re brave because you have courage and that courage, although slowly, helped me be brave enough to be true to myself and slowly but surely unbury the part of myself I was ashamed of and celebrate it, and love it. There are so many aspects of my adult queer self whose roads lead back to you and the incredible way you changed the trajectory of my life. I wish all young women would come of age and have the incredible opportunity to love and be loved by someone like you. I cherish and covet our weekly dinners at your house, our brief Macbeth and Lady Macbeth era, the way we terrorised every science classroom we entered with our loud voices and louder opinions. The way your long brown hair swished and swayed as we laughed. Everything about you is forever to me.

