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Lotus continues its four-night run that kicks off Red Rocks Amphitheatre’s limited-capacity concert season, while Elephant Revival’s Daniel Rodriguez plays two sets at the Boulder Theater and Montana folk band the Lil Smokies plays at Planet Bluegrass Ranch. The weekend’s lineup also includes two nights with the River Arkansas at Lost City, and Itchy-O continues its weekly Noise Bath interactive streaming series.
Here’s what’s happening in and around town (and online) this weekend:
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Ben Markley Quintet
Fridays in April, 6:30 and 9 p.m.
Nocturne, 1330 27th Street
As part of “Explorations of the Journey,” pianist Ben Markley curates a collection of compositions that marks a new chapter in his music development, including originals and works by Herbie Hancock, Ari Hoenig and John Scofield.
Daniel Rodriguez
Friday, April 23, 7 and 9:30 p.m.
Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder
Singer-songwriter Daniel Rodriguez, a former member of Elephant Revival, released his debut album, Sojourn of the Burning Sun, last summer.
The Lil Smokies
Friday, April 23, 6 p.m.
Planet Bluegrass Ranch, 500 West Main Street, Lyons
Tickets were recently added for Montana folk act the Lil Smokies‘ show, with local singer-songwriter Danny Shafer opening.
Friday, April 23, through Sunday, April 25, 8 p.m.
Red Rocks Amphitheatre, 18300 West Alameda Parkway, Morrison
Jamtronica act Lotus continues its four-night run through the weekend at Red Rocks.
Friday, April 23, 9 p.m.
Globe Hall, 4483 Logan Street
Jordan Panasewicz’s solo project, Pandasaywhat, fuses electronica with hip-hop.
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The River Arkansas
Friday, April 23, and Saturday, April 24, 6:30 p.m.
Lost City, 3459 Ringsby Court
The River Arkansas, which blends country, blues, folk and Americana inspired by the Arkansas River, plays two outdoor shows at the RiNo coffee shop. Claire Heywood opens Friday and Hunter Burnette opens on Saturday.
Summit Musicians Relief Fund Cares Concert Series
Ongoing through June, 6 p.m.
The SMRF Cares Concert Series pays local musicians to perform at the Silverthorne Performing Arts Center in front of a small audience. Each concert is recorded, and the video is released on the organization’s YouTube channel.
A-Mac & the Height (album release)
Saturday, April 24, 6:45 & 9:45 p.m.
Cervantes’ Other Side
Denver alt-rock, reggae and hip-hop act A-Mac & the Height celebrates the release of its new album.
Harry Tuft
Saturday, April 24, 7 p.m.
Local folk legend Harry Tuft livestreams a “Rock, Paper, Scissors” show with his friends and guitarists Janet Feder and Rich Moore from Swallow Hill Music’s Daniels Hall.
Itchy-O’s Noise Bath Series
Sundays through May 16, 5:55 p.m.
The 57-piece avant-garde group Itchy-O presents its Noise Bath interactive streaming series, which runs Sundays through May 16.
Adam Deitch’s Birthday Show
Sunday, April 25, 4:20 & 7:15 p.m.
Cervantes’ Masterpiece Ballroom
Lettuce drummer Adam Deitch celebrates his birthday with two sets with Adam “Shmeeans” Smirnoff, Eric “Benny” Bloom, Joey Porter and Chris Loftlin.
Vlad Girshevich Trio Honors Chick Corea and Keith Jarrett
Sundays in April, 6:30 and 8 p.m.
Nocturne, 1330 27th Street
Vlad Girshevich and his trio pay homage to fellow jazz pianists Chick Corea, who died in February, and Keith Jarrett, Sundays in April.
Find more music events in the Westword concert calendar. Organizing a concert you’d like to be considered for this list? Send information to editorial@westword.com.
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