HOLLISTER, Calif. (KION) The Stonewall Uprising occurred on June 28th, 1969, and would mark the beginning of the gay rights movement across the U.S. and the entire world.

New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village. The raid would spark various protests.

The Stonewall Inn was considered to be a safe space for the gay community. At this point in history, homosexuality was considered to be illegal in every state except Illinois but June 28th, 1969 would start a revolution.

Fast forward to 2021, in Hollister, this past Sunday was the second LGBTQ+ Celebration held for the community. An LGBTQ+ resource center also provides a safe haven for youth in the community. One peer mentor from this resource center says this space is open to everyone.

“Just the nicest group of people that I had encountered at that time. We don’t question anybody who comes in. We’re not like, oh look don’t, because that’s not what we’re about. We’re about acceptance and inclusion,” said Balam Ruiz, peer mentor.

The LGBTQ+ Resource Center is sponsored by San Benito Behavioral health. It currently has three peer mentors and the center provides access to the behavior center, resources, and generally a safe space for the youth.

“I think we need places like this. I think we need to keep pushing to open more places like this and see spaces like this so there’s more outlets for these youth,” said Maxx D’Elia, peer mentor.

Vice Mayor Rolan Resendiz, who helped organize the LGBTQ+ celebration in Hollister calls the historic Stonewall uprisings a pivotal moment for people’s civil rights.

“One of the most fundamental American rights that we have and that our country and that our values were founded on was to standup against injustices and to rise up and to organize,” said Resendiz.