Today marks a major intersection of science and the fight for social justice. Today, in 1973, the American Psychological Association took the important step of reversing themselves by officially declaring that homosexuality was not a mental disorder.
Homosexuality never was a mental disorder, of course, despite historic views to the contrary. Before the late 20th century, mainstream views of homosexuality ranged from a run-of-the-mill sin to something more sinister and abnormal. While the APA told the press at the time that it was not giving in to pressure from activists and refrained from calling homosexuality “normal,” it also strongly urged the “repeal of all legislation making criminal offense of sexual acts performed by consenting adults in private.”
A major shift in thinking in the APA membership came from meeting actual gay people. In 1972, gay activists Frank Kameny and Barbara Gittings made removing the diagnosis a main priority. They sought out a gay psychiatrist to speak at the APA’s annual meeting but struggled to find one who would speak openly. Eventually, a therapist who worked at Temple University, John Fryer, agreed to speak. But coming out meant risking his job, so Fryer decided to wear a novelty mask and appear at the conference as “Dr. Henry Anonymous.”
Fryer had reason to be afraid — he had already been fired for merely appearing flamboyant in the workplace. Starting his speech by saying, “I am a homosexual. I am a psychiatrist,” Fryer spoke to an audience including the superior who had fired him about the challenges facing gay psychiatrists.
The APA’s decision is now recognized as the beginning of the end of organized medicine’s official participation in the social stigmatization of homosexuality. It would take until 1990 for the World Health Organization to remove homosexuality from its list of International Classification of Diseases.
As the year ends, we’re expanding our question of the week to the rest of December. In one sentence, what’s your prediction for 2021? Shoot us an email at newsletter@inverse.com and we’ll be publishing our favorites at the beginning of the new year.
This is an adapted version of the Inverse Daily newsletter for December 15, 2020. Subscribe for free and earn rewards for reading every day in your inbox.
Sleep tight— How virtual reality can unlock an elusive dream state
On a nightly basis, we surrender to the whim of our minds as they weave fantastical (and sometimes terrifying) dreams for us. Yet, despite logically knowing that ice cream cones are not self-multiplying, we often don’t realize the falseness of these dreamscapes until after we’ve left them.
But what if you could recognize — and take control of — these dreams while still asleep? That’s the concept behind lucid dreaming, a rare occurrence when dreamers realize they’re in a dream and take back the reins.
In a new study, sleep researchers found an unexpected connection between virtual reality — specifically the ill-effects of too much time spent in VR — and lucid dreaming, suggesting virtual reality may be able to train the brain to dream in a totally different way.
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Moving through the Ganges River in India, a plastic bottle river tagged with a tracking device traveled 1,767 miles (2,845 kilometers). To put that in context, it’s roughly the length of the trip between New York City and Denver, Colorado.
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Coming soon …
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Big change — New analysis rewrites the story of this ancient civilization’s demise
Whether it’s the sacking of Babylon or the fall of the Roman empire, we often assume the downfall of ancient civilizations comes down to one thing: war.
Historians had assumed the same about another ancient civilization, located in the Otrar oasis in Central Asia. The prevailing history assumed Mongol invaders in the early 13th century led to the demise of this civilization, which once thrived in the lands surrounding the Aral Sea.
But new research published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences presents a shock alternative ending: Instead of foreign invaders, Mother Nature may have dealt the death blow to this ancient civilization.
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Game on — What the NBA bubble taught scientists about jet lag
To save sports and avoid a coronavirus catastrophe, the NBA paused play in mid-March as the pandemic worsened. But in July 2020, the league rebooted. This time not in stadiums around the country, but in a meticulously designed “bubble” at Disney World.
The NBA bubble included a laundry list of precautions: extensive quarantines, testing and tracing protocols, smart rings and proximity trackers, social distancing and mask-wearing, and limited outside contact. The effort was worth it. The NBA finished its season without a single player, coach, or staff member testing positive for Covid-19.
This controlled environment limited Covid-19’s spread. It also gave scientists the opportunity to pinpoint the factors shaping a team’s wins or losses.
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And that’s it for the Daily! If you want more, make sure to check out our recommendation for the best kung fu movie leaving streaming.
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