One of the main problems in the Corinthian church was the growing sin of immorality (Chapter 5). Immorality = any sexual activity outside of the God ordained marriage between one man and one woman.

The word ‘tolerant’ has taken on a new meaning, as to what we are to be tolerant of in our society today. The Bible is very clear as to what followers of Christ are to tolerate and of what we are to be intolerant. I Corinthians 5:9-10; 6:9-10 couldn’t be more clear, that the practice of “homosexuality” is not accepted by God. After a commissioners meeting, I asked politely one of the organizers of the June 5 event what he thought the passage in I Corinthians 6 meant. He had no response for me.

The main point of this letter is to inform the readers that since the Supreme Court ruling for ‘“Gay marriage” a huge amount of health issues have become epidemic.

Frankly, Christians are expected to overlook Gen. 19; Lev. 18; Ezekiel 3, 33; Rom. 1; 1 Cor. 5:9-10. 6:9-10 and Gal. 5:19-21. We can’t. There is hope through Jesus Christ. Mt. 11:28-30 and John 3:16!

The U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services has published a resource kit addressing the growing health issues faced by the LGBT population. First is the abbreviated list of terms issued in this 100-page publication. I have left out the definition for personal reasons. EPh 5:12.

Bi gender, FTM, genderqueer, MTF, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, crossdresser, drag king and queen, gender expression, passing, transition, bisexual, coming out, gay, lesbian, MSM, outing, queer, sexual orientation, WSW to name a few.

These are health issues that are more prevalent with heterosexual individuals.

Cancers including breast, oral, throat and anal.


Mental health-multiple psychiatric disorders.

Suicide due to emotional stress — 2 1/2 times higher.

Substance abuse.

Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS; gonorrhea, chlamydia.

Hepatitis A, B, C virus.

Huge increase in syphilis.

I share this prayerfully because I have seen this lifestyle  destroy marriages and individuals. There is help for those who want out of this lifestyle. I make myself available or call Meier clinic 1-888-725-4642.

Yours in Christ.

Terry Wolcott
