The Damaging Mental Health Effects of LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy

Society is continually trying to move forward in a progressive and equitable way. This can be seen in the way that things like LGBTQA+ communities have found much more acceptance in recent years than ever in the past. While in some circles today it may feel like everyone is a little bit queer, there is still a lot of societal stigma against the LGBTQA+ community. In fact, many LGBTQA+ youth are still subjected to daily harassment, violence, and ostracization. This can have a lasting impact on one’s mental and emotional landscape. 

This all stems from a pretty dark history in which homosexuality and non-binary identities were considered certifiable mental illnesses. This led to a whole series of practices that were considered conversion therapy. Some of these practices are showcased in the Conversion Therapy movie, which stars Zachary Quinto. The movie follows the story of one conversion therapist in the 70’s who has his eyes opened to the faults in the practice and denounces it, all thanks to the influence of a young gay man, who turns into an unlikely friend.  

While the movie is a little uncomfortable to watch at times as it depicts some of the darker moments in the history of mental health services, it has a throughline of hope, acceptance, and a future in which inclusivity is commonplace. 

That being said, there are still many private groups that practice some form of conversion therapy, typically these are religious or faith-based groups, but the traumatizing impact is all the same. This information is important to spread because it’s absolutely vital to understand that there is no science involved in conversion therapy whatsoever. 

Before getting into the mental health impact of conversion therapy practices, it’s important to have a good grip on the definition of what conversion therapy actually is. The Trevor Project, the nations leading organization in crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQA+ youth defines conversion therapy as, “any of several dangerous and discredited practices aimed at changing an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. For example, that could mean attempting to change someone’s sexual orientation from lesbian, gay, or bisexual to straight or their gender identity from transgender or nonbinary to cisgender.”

These practices are extremely dangerous and harmful, and worst yet, have zero scientific foundation. 

Suicide Rates Sky Rocket

LGBTQA+ youth already represents a high-risk group for suicide. This is because kids who identify as a member of this community often don’t get the love or support that they need to feel seen and like it’s okay to be themselves. On top of that, LGBTQA+ youth often feel ostracized and isolated from their peers and classmates. Even worse, these kids can be subjected to harassment, violence, and other manifestations of the societal stigma against the LGBTQA+ community. 

It’s estimated that the average LGBTQA+ youth is already about four times as likely to commit suicide as non LGBTQA+ kids. However, once conversion therapy is added into the mix, this rate doubles to eight times as likely to attempt suicide. If the conversion therapy tactics are presented to the youth in more than sphere of influence, for instance parents and therapists or religious leaders, this rate then tripled meaning LGBTQA+ youth subjected to conversion therapy in multiple settings were twelve times as likely to attempt suicide than the non LGBTQA+ teen. 

Conversion therapy is deadly. 

Severe Depression and Anxiety

Unsurprisingly, the rate of depression and anxiety in LGBTQA+ kids is also already at a higher average than non LGBTQA+ youth. But conversion therapy makes this much worse. The rate of depression in kids who experience conversion therapy doubles to 33%. 

Again, this impact is amplified if the conversion therapy is present in multiple spheres of influence, and the rate jumps to nearly 50%.

Lack of Self-Esteem and Self-Worth

Kids who are repeatedly told that they have something fundamentally wrong with them have almost no chance of developing a strong self-esteem or sense of self-worth. This can lead to a variety of habits that include self-harm and make it extremely hard for them to stay motivated, focused, or want to achieve. 

Conversion therapy is truly damaging to one’s self-image, emotional landscape, and overall wellbeing. 

Social Withdrawal 

LGBTQA+ kids already experience feelings of isolation and ostracization. However, in LGBTQA+  youth who underwent conversion therapy, the social withdrawal is crippling, and can work to worsen feelings of isolation, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Wrapping up on the Atrocities of Conversion Therapy

Conversion therapy is not science-based in the least. It is a series of harmful and discredited practices that only serves to traumatize kids. The mental health impacts of conversion therapy are extremely real, and can be deadly. If you or someone you know needs help, don’t hesitate to take action.