“You’ve never heard me say – surprise, it’s Caucasians!” The always-on-point Roy Wood Jr. tackles the origins of house music for general audiences on The Daily Show. And while you likely know that history, this one is well worth a watch.

I don’t want to spoil the guest appearance, but actually, watch to the end.

Canadian readers: watch on CTV.

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It starts with a deserved roasting of the horrific Disco Demolition Night and takes off from there. (“Here’s a tip – if you’re ever at a mass burning, you’re probably on the wrong side.” Yup. Hans, are we the baddies?) With so much tone-deaf coverage in mass media of house music in the wake of high-profile summer pop hits, it’s refreshing to see someone get it right. (CP Time has always nailed the public-access Black TV culture show, natch.)

Now that we’ve got that to share with your friends and family, if you want to delve deeper and pan out a bit – here is a terrific conversation with Greg Tate and Ytasha Womack about Afrofuturism from the Black perspective, conducted by our friend, the great King Britt:

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More background on that piece.

And see what King did for Google Arts & Culture.

Figured I should add some nutrition after our pudding there.

I subscribe to The Daily Show but missed this so – a big hat tip to Akua Grant aka Femanyst aka Lady Blacktronika for this one!