My uncle’s death from AIDS in 1989 was a defining moment in my life. I was too young when he died to fully comprehend the complexities of the disease that ended his life. However, as I grew older and learned more about my uncle, and as I came to embrace my own sexual identity, I wanted to understand why he died and what could be done to prevent others from acquiring HIV. This desire helped me to find purpose, fueled my nascent activist spirit, and shaped my educational and career trajectory. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Community Health from Brown University, my Master of Public Health degree in Health Behavior from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and my Master of Science degree in Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences from Emory University. I went on to work on addressing HIV in a variety of positions within public health institutions at the local, state, and federal levels. Each of these experiences equipped me with tools to contribute to the collective work to end the HIV epidemic in the United States.
My work in HIV is a way for me to honor my uncle’s memory and to honor my own commitment to serve and improve my community. As a Black gay man who grew up in Georgia, the state with the highest rate of new HIV diagnoses in the nation, I know that if we can end this epidemic, we can create a better Georgia. But to do that, we have to be united under strong leadership that puts Georgians first.
Now, many states are passing harmful legislation attacking the lives of LGBTQ people. Along with the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court justices suggest that there may be further attacks on our freedom like the right to marry who you love. Honestly, it all feels pretty terrible right now. But I am still hopeful.
I am hopeful because, during a time that feels so dark, my pride in having Reverend Warnock represent Georgians in the United States Senate is a point of light. As a Black gay man growing up in Georgia, I never imagined I would one day have an ally like Reverend Warnock as my senator, who is not only a Black man but also a pastor in a church that is such a storied part of Georgia’s Civil Rights legacy. He’s the champion for equality and steadfast ally in the United States Senate we need, especially during hard times like these.
Reverend Warnock has been a longtime HIV advocate. He has always listened to members of Georgia’s LGBTQ community, and when he was elected to the United States Senate, he brought our voices with him. With Reverend Warnock, we know we have a senator who fights for us, not against us. I take pride in having a senator who helped pass hate crimes legislation and is a cosponsor of the Equality Act, which would protect members of the LGBTQ community from being denied housing, employment, medical care, or service just because of who we are.
As a person who has dedicated his life to protecting and improving the health of the public, when I see that my senator is fighting to lower prescription drug costs and expand access to Medicaid, I know these are policies that will not only lower costs but will also save lives.
I’m especially proud that he recently secured funding that will help Georgians living with HIV access health care and support services.
Georgians need a leader who will fight for all of us and reject hatred and division. This is not only a social goal, but is imperative for the health and well-being of my community. As a growing body of academic research exploring the connection between anti-LGBTQ public policies and health outcomes has shown (including my own research on HIV), attacks on our community can lead to poor outcomes in both mental and physical health. It is vital that when we make our decision about who we think is the best person to represent Georgia in the United States Senate, we do so with the understanding that the person we choose will be in a position that will directly affect our well-being, both mentally and physically.
Reverend Warnock has shown us time and time again that he is a leader who fights for all Georgians in every community across the state. Reverend Warnock is a leader we can trust to fight for us, not against us. I’m proud to support Reverend Warnock, because with him in the Senate, I can say with pride that my senator is a fearless fighter who understands equal protection under the law cannot just be enjoyed by some Georgians — it must be for all Georgians.
Justin Smith is an Atlanta-based HIV and LGBTQ health scholar-advocate.