World Gay News

Teacher of the Week: Gay Cabutti, first grade, Carrie Busey … – News-Gazette

Gay Cabutti begins each day by giving out high fives, fist bumps and hugs to the members of her first-grade class at Champaign’s Carrie Busey Elementary School, and the veteran teacher works to make the day a happy and engaging one for her students from there on out.

Cabutti is known for her theatrics, including cartwheels in the classroom, and her special incentive days, including pajama days and hot chocolate days. Above all, she helps students learn about and understand their emotions, said Jamie Vermillion, a parent of a student in Cabutti’s class.

“She makes sure each child understands they are important and valued in her classroom,” Vermillion said. “Mrs. Cabutti is a treasure at Carrie Busey. Every parent and kid I’ve ever talked to about her has nothing but great things to say. She makes a lasting positive impression on those around her.”

I find my work important because … teaching children how to read and write is a real passion of mine! There are fewer things more rewarding than being a part of a child’s support system when they unlock the code of reading. It is truly exciting and thrilling to be able to give that gift to children.

I became a teacher because … education was a very important part of my upbringing. It all started with both grandmothers, one grandfather and my father being teachers. My sister and husband are even in the education field.

My favorite or most unique lesson that I teach is … lessons on growth mindset happen all the time in first grade. I am constantly teaching and modeling when mistakes happen and how we can learn from them. We sing a fun song about stamina and how we don’t give up when things get hard. I want these lessons to last forever in each child’s mind.

My most fulfilling moment on the job was/is when … there are so many in first grade. Teaching kids how to read as I mentioned before is so important and fills me with great joy. It is also fulfilling when kids who have difficulty managing their emotions begin to use the tools I’ve taught to help them regulate their emotions in different situations.

I keep students engaged by … Honestly, I’m as silly and crazy as they come. One of my beliefs is that if I am teaching 6- and 7-year-olds, they should be having fun while they are learning. I’m constantly singing and rhyming and always rewarding positive behaviors throughout the day. Kids love my silliness, positivity and energy level, and they seem to pay closer attention to my lessons because of this. I’ve even been known to do a cartwheel when my classes do something exemplary.

Something else I’m passionate about is … My family has always been a huge support system in my life. My husband was in education for 35 years, and when we talk about my day, he totally “gets” it. My family and my faith tend to help get me through tricky moments in life.

My favorite teacher and subject to study in school was … Carolyn Dominic was my band director at Newton Community High School. She had a funny personality who made everyone feel special.

If I weren’t a teacher, I would be … a comedian on “Saturday Night Live”! I would have loved to get paid for making people laugh.

— Anthony Zilis