To the editor:
In the 70s, my husband began serving as a Marshall police officer. Once he made his presence known to a couple in the backseat of a car who were engaged in “making out”.
The teenage boy said, “There’s no law against this.”
My husband replied, “There is a higher Law.”
The couple got themselves rearranged and back into the front seat and drove away.
Some fifty years later, we have laws that disregard that “higher Law.” We still sometimes sing, “God Bless America”, but, in the name of being “inclusive”, or having our own “rights”, some of our laws exclude God’s Law.
Gay Pride weekend in Marshall included drag queen entertainment at Brau Brothers and a drag queen story hour at Independence Park. These events were not sponsored by the city of Marshall. Numerous citizens, including myself, were surprised to read in the Independent follow-up report, that our mayor was quoted as welcoming the LGBTQ support group.
Surely we would be surprised to hear a welcome to all who approve of lying or stealing or destroying someone’s property. Why, then, is the commandment, “You shall not commit adultery” of no importance? “The towns of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.” (Jude, verse 7)
It is not a question of who is bad or who is good. God clearly states, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But there is good news! “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.” (Verses from Romans)
An eccumenical service was held before the drag queen story hour, so I feel comfortable quoting these Bible verses. My concern, and that of others, is whether our city will continue to allow activities to be held which support actions contrary to “a higher Law”, even though they have been ruled acceptable by our government.
Mayor Bob Byrnes regularly welcomes people and events, just as God welcomes all to His Kingdom. However, sin is sin. God does not welcome sin. We all need a savior. God provided a Savior, His own Son, as described in John 3:16.
How will we live our lives to show our thankfulness for God’s mercy — love and forgiveness that we did not deserve?
Trudy Madetzke