Five Arlington Storm baseball teams of different age groups won recent District 7 Babe Ruth tournaments. The age-level winners were the 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s and 12s.

In those five tournaments, Arlington Babe Ruth Storm teams dominated against weaker competition, not losing a game and combining for a 12-0 record. Those five teams outscored their opponents 148-62 with two shutouts in a dozen contests.

Four of the tournaments consisted of just three teams, and the other only two.

By virtue of winning the district, all five Storm teams advanced to the state Babe Ruth tournaments. Two already have won state crowns.

The team names of the district champions and the members of each squad follow.

Players for the 8-under Storm Black are Bryce Donnelly, Matthew Ryan, Dexter Hinkle, Ryan Potter, Theodore LaCompte, Flynn Juza, Chase Langley, Alexander Pollack, Preston Busby, Hudson Wilkins, Brian Burke and Bruce Buczek.

David Juza is the manager. Coaches are Eric Potter, Brian Langley and Andrew Buczek.

Players for the 9-under Storm Red are Preston Hein, Lucas Pereira, Heath Gunderson, Jackson Dippold, Ethan Hewitt, Gregory Lobel, Xavier Zawadzki, Owen Zawadzki, David Dib, William Taylor, Northe Johnson and Jaco Goldstein.

Mike Dippold is the manager. Coaches are Jacobo Dip, Christopher Zawadzki and Taylor Johnson.

Players for the 10-under Storm Black are Nathaniel Sadosky, Miles Quinn, Samuel Pyers, Juza Henry, Samuel Lillis, Theodore Henson, Michael Groharing, John Anderson, William Bruce, Griffin Baynham, Gavin Vaughan and Cole Nindorf.

Jeff Groharing is the manager and Matt Bruce a coach.

Players for the 11-under Storm Black are Connor Cooney, Charles Gay, Keegan Donnelly, Quinn Padarath, Mather Shores, Carson McClean, Karsin Patel, Henry Menefee, Devrim Prell, Andrew Fittig, Liam Rosedahl and Peter McCorry.

Joseph Cooney is the manager. Coaches are Mike Donnelly, John McCorry and Cameron Prell.

Players for the 12-under Storm Black are George Cocker, Clive Gay, Tyler Moss, Liam Juza, Daniel Sullivan, Charles Coats, Ryan Di Vincenzo, Jones Tallent, Booker Lawson, Luca Feden, Colt Monticello and Michael Mastrangelo. 

Albert Tallent is the manager. Coaches are David Monticello, Neal Lawson and William Feden.

Winning state titles were the 9-under Arlington Storm Black team and the 12-under Storm Black.

For the 9-under squad was 4-0 in the state tourney, defeating Glen Allen, 8-3, in the championship game. It outscored its four opponents, 40-16, with one shutout.

The 12-under Storm Black came out of the losers’ bracket to win the state with a 6-1 record. Arlington lost to host Rockville, 9-2, in its second game, then won five in a row, defeating Rockville by 5-2 and 9-2 scores in its final two games.

Both the 9-under and 12-under teams move on to regional tournaments.

The 8-under Storm Black finished third in the state tournament with a 3-2 record.