Only one-seventh of the workforce reported experiencing discrimination, harassment, or bullying in their current workplace in the past year, but those with ongoing mental illness or impairment are more likely to have experienced such workplace issues.

Meanwhile, the study also revealed an ageing workforce, with the sector “over-represented by ages 35 to 54.”

“While those aged 55 years or more make up 24% of the sector’s workforce and 32% of New Zealand’s working age population, they account for 48% of Board Chairs and 43% of other board members,” it added.

There is also an under-representation of Asian and Pacific ethnicities, with the sector’s workforce skewed towards those born in New Zealand. Maori are over-represented in the workforces of Regional Sports Trusts and Territorial Authorities, while NZ European are more likely to be in leadership roles.

“Age, gender, and ethnicity are the three dimensions where improvements are likely to make significant impact, as there is recurring difference that these dimensions differentiate experience,” the study read.