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Speak out about school health standards | Letters to the Editor | theindependent.com – Grand Island Independent


Are you aware of the new “Health Standards” that the Nebraska Board of Education is proposing for all public and private schools in Nebraska? If you aren’t, you should be. Some of the things proposed in the new standards include: Kindergartners would be taught about cohabitating and same-gender families; first graders, to define gender identity and gender-role stereoptypes; fourth graders, that gender expression and gender identity exist along a spectrum; sixth graders, about identifying with multiple identities, including bisexual, lesbian, gay, queer, two-spirit, asexual and pansexual; eighth-graders, abortion is reproductive care and how to develop a plan to eliminate an unintended pregnancy. And the list goes on …

If you feel that such things should not be taught in our schools, make your view known to your local school board. Since we are a conscientious community, such things should not be taught at school, but parents should be able to teach their children about sexual issues and not have them crammed down our throats by those with a liberal, left-leaning agenda.

The first thing you should do is attend your local school board meetings and speak up with your point of view. They are obligated to listen to the views of their constituents. Local school boards will have the decision to make whether or not to adopt these new standards.

Also, if you wish to express your views to the Nebraska Board of Education, you may do so by emailing them at nde.standardsinput@nebraska.gov. In the subject line, type in: Opposed: Proposed Health & Wellness Standards.

With all the upheaval and unrest in our country that is being touted by the media and politicians, I want our children to establish standards of long-standing value, something that can carry them on to be successful, moral citizens in our community, state and world. Speak up now to oppose these deeply flawed standards.