

The Maui News

Vendor applications for the 49th annual Maui County Senior Fair on Oct. 29 at the War Memorial Complex are now being accepted by Maui Economic Opportunity.

MEO is organizing the annual event in partnership with the Maui County Office on Aging. The Senior Fair is an opportunity for businesses and other community organizations to share information important to kupuna, promote a product or service or sell food or other items. Some senior clubs use the event as a fundraiser.

The cost of a vendor table is $100 for for-profit organizations and $25 for government agencies and nonprofits generating revenue. Tables are offered at no charge for current Maui Planning & Coordinating Council senior clubs and business, government and nonprofit organizations providing services without charge.

The 8-foot-long tables include a tablecloth, skirt and two chairs. Table assignments and preferred parking will be based on application and payment received on a first-received basis. The event committee reserves the right to deny if applications are late, if products or services are duplicative or if there is not available space.

The deadline to submit applications is Sept. 19. Payments should be made to Maui Economic Opportunity Inc. Confirmation packets and parking passes will be mailed to vendors no later than Oct. 21.

Applications can be downloaded at https://bit.ly/3BC7baX or picked up at MEO at 99 Mahalani St. in Wailuku. For more information, contact Gay Sibonga or Lee Imada at (808) 249-2990.

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