Rev. R. Guy Erwin will preach and lead worship at the Atonement Lutheran Church in 5 Wyomissing Boulevard, Wyomissing, on Sundays at 8:30 am and 10 am. Prior to this appointment, he was the fourth bishop of the Southwestern California Theological Seminary of the American Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Irwin has a degree from Harvard University and Yale University and was a Fulbright scholarship student at the University of Tubingen in Germany. He has taught at the Yale Divinity School in Thousand Oaks and California Lutheran University.
His husband, Robert T. Flynn, from West Virginia and a graduate of Yale Divinity School, has been involved in academic publishing at Yale University Publishing, Columbia University Publishing, and the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.
Irwin is ELCA’s first gay, affiliated bishop, and first openly gay man to serve in that office of the Lutheran World Federation Church. As a registered member of the Oklahoma-born Osagenation, he is ELCA’s first Native American bishop.
Wyomissing 715 Berkshire Blvd. Kissinger’s Church in Kissinger’s Church will be hosting a sock hop next Saturday at 6 pm. Played by Dave Reinwald and spun by DJ Gary for 45 seconds. Admission is free, but please bring your own meals and drinks to share. Poodle skirts are welcome, but not required.
St. Michael’s Church, located at 529 St. Michael’s Road in Tilden Township, worships indoors, in the parking lot, by phone and on Facebook at 10:15 am on Sundays. Tom Fredericks will lead the worship and Elaine Balterzer will be the organist.
The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, located on 4201 Stoudts Ferry Bridge Road in Muhlenberg Township, celebrates the work of God on Sundays at 10:30 am. Not only size health items, but also candies and other small gifts. These gifts are sent to military installations. The goal is to fill 100 to 150 stockings. After work, everyone returns to worship in the sanctuary.
Lyle Young. A Christian Science practitioner and teacher in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, will be on Sunday at 2:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Express on 405 N. Park Road in Wyomissing, entitled “Christian Science-Your Clearer View.” I will give a one-hour lecture. It is open to the public for free.
The Zion United Christian Church in Womelsdorf celebrates its harvest home at 10:15 on Sunday at the Mirror Social Hall of St. Paul’s Church at 301 West Penn Avenue in Robesonia. In addition to financial support for the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry, food, cleaning and hygiene products will be donated to Helping Harvest.
The Christ Lutheran Church, located on 222 Niantic Road in Bert, will worship at 9 am on Sundays. Before the service, Coffee & Conversation will be held at 8:30 at the Welcome Center. After the service, Coffee & Conversation will be held. good.
The Black Forest Church at 250 Church Lane Road in Exeter Township will hold a face-to-face communion service on Sundays at 10:30 am. Recorded worship services will be available on Facebook on Monday.
The Black Forest United Christian Church, located at 75 Church Lane Road in Exeter Township, will host face-to-face and zoom services on Sundays at 10:30 am. It is also available on YouTube. Richard Smoker will be the guest organizer.
Oyster Pies will be on sale on October 30th at Huffs Union Church at 540 Conrad Road in Helleford Township, picking up from 9am to noon on the lower floors of the chapel. The cost is $ 7.50. The deadline for orders is October 17th. To place an order, please call the church office (610-845-2626).
Laurel Dale’s 1616 Vine St. Rosedale Camp Grove, located in Tokyo, has breakfast today from 7am to 11am. The cost is $ 6.
Fleetwood 5W. Arch St. The St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, located in the Sanctuary and online at 9 am on Sundays, will have two outdoor worship services at 10:30 am. If the weather is nice. In case of bad weather, we will provide a second service indoors. Links to Facebook and YouTube can be found at www.stpaulsfleetwood.org. Guest oboist Noah Brennemann will perform a duet with Jill Haley on the first service and a trio with Jill and Carol Ohrenbach on the second service. For the special music at 9 o’clock, Brennaman will play “Perseus” and at 10:30, “Invisible Piper” and the Chancel Choir will perform. The worship leaders will be Steve Wentz at 9 o’clock and Stella Koch at 10:30.
At the Good Shepherd United Christian Church, 170 Tuckerton Road, and Muhlenberg Township, beliefs of all ages are formed on Sundays at 9 am and worship is held directly on Facebook and YouTube at 10:30 am. I need a mask. Representatives of SAFE Berks will share how to serve abusive homes and those leaving the situation. For more information, please visit www.goodshepherducc.org.
The Friedens United Christian Church, located at 337 Main Street in Olay, will host both face-to-face and livestream services via Zoom on Sundays at 10:15 am. The Reading / Berks CROP Walk Mission Team at Gring’s Mill, which begins at 1:30 pm, continues its Harvest Home Food Collection in October, focusing on canned chicken, canned vegetables, and canned soup. Donations can be brought to church on Sunday or dropped off to the drive-through drop-off collection next Saturday between 9am and 11am.
The Good Shepard Lutheran Church on 4201 Stouts Ferrybridge Road in Muhlenberg Township celebrates God’s work by making Christmas stockings for members of the army on Sunday at 10:30 am. The congregation goes from the sanctuary to the hall and puts together a kit containing travel-sized health items, candies and other small gifts. The goal is to fill as much stockings as possible and give the coordinator what is left to fill more stockings. Worship ends with worship in the sanctuary. On October 17th, from 3pm to 5pm, everyone will be singing hot dog roasts and hymns for free.
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 45 N. Reading Avenue, Boyertown can be worshiped directly on Sundays at 9:30 am. You must register in advance on the church website at www.stjohnsboyertown.org or by calling the office. Livestreamed worship services will continue on YouTube (St. John’s ELC Boyertown). There is a children’s Sunday school at 9:30 am. Register at stjohnsboyertown.org. A complimentary drive-through takeaway meal is served every Saturday from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Registration is not required.
The Church of Christ, 435 Court St., Reading will have three face-to-face worship services on Sundays. All include communion. At 8 o’clock, there is the aforementioned worship service (no music). Service for families with small children at the age of nine. And at 10:15, a service using music. Everyone who participates in these services is required to wear a mask. Parking is available at the Abe Lincoln Hotel and M & T Bank parking lots on the outskirts of Washington Street. The parking lot next to the church on Court Street is available for people with disabilities and those in need of support. To join remotely, visit rdgchristchurch.org on Facebook or Christ EpiscopalChurch in Reading, PA.
Bern Reformed UCC, 3196 Bernville Road and Bern Township will either offer live worship at 9:30 am in an air-conditioned sanctuary or join from vehicle using the FM87.9 transmission.
Maidencreek Church, located at 261 Main Street in Maidencreek Township, will hold a hybrid service at 9am, during which time seven new confirmations will be offered. The videos they create to introduce themselves are part of their dedication. Music includes the Bell Choir. Piano duet with Amelia Lalique and her mother Blair Lalique. Two piano solos by Abram Harbonic and Sara Ann Harbonic. Vocal solo by Becky Wright. Like the hymns of the congregation. Face-to-face worship will be livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. The link is at maidencreekchurch.org.
Seminary President will be guest speaker at Wyomissing Church [Religion Digest] – Reading Eagle
Source link Seminary President will be guest speaker at Wyomissing Church [Religion Digest] – Reading Eagle