World Gay News

School Board’s adoption of LGBTQ+ guide turns teachers into gender police | Opinion – Tallahassee Democrat

'Say Gay' stickers are being sent to graduating high school seniors across Florida in support of Pine View senior Zander Moricz. Project Pride SRQ created and shipped over 10,000 stickers to LGBTQ+ students this week to wear in silent protest at Florida graduation ceremonies in the coming days and weeks.

In June, the Leon County School Board adopted an “LGBTQ Inclusive School Guide” containing a provision that will cause schools to notify parents, in writing, if their student takes a PE class or goes on an overnight trip with another student who is “open about their gender identity”.

As both a gay alumni of Leon High School (Class of 1995), and as a former high school teacher, I beg the Leon County School Board not to enact this policy.

In schools, parents are notified if their student might do something that involves some risk, such as a rock-climbing trip. But this new policy frames the mere existence of LGBTQ kids as a risk, and that is the last kind of messaging that LGBTQ kids need to hear.

According to research conducted by The Trevor Project, suicide attempt rates for LGBTQ youth are four times above those of their straight/cisgender peers. These alarming rates are lessened by the presence of even one supportive adult in an LGBTQ child’s life.

Given that most LGBTQ kids are born into families with straight parents, school can be a crucial site of support for them.

Good teachers welcome and accept all their students for who they are, and this new policy interferes with teachers’ ability to do that. It prevents teachers from being a source of support for LGBTQ kids and turns them into the gender police.

If enacted, this policy could forcibly out LGBTQ students before they are ready to disclose that information, putting them at risk of harassment or even violence at the hands of homophobic peers, teachers, or parents.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis displays the signed Parental Rights in Education, aka the Don't Say Gay bill, flanked by elementary school students during a news conference on Monday, March 28, 2022, at Classical Preparatory school in Shady Hills.

I assume that supporters of this policy (and of Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill) imagine that if schools don’t talk about the existence of gay/trans people, then kids will simply stop being gay and trans.

I am living proof that those people are wrong. When I attended Leon High, the school had no openly LGBTQ teachers and no discussion of LGBTQ people’s existence (let alone their worth). That version of Leon High School did not make me straight. It just made me lonely and scared and suicidality depressed.

Gay and/or trans kids exist. They always have, and they always will. They are our students now, and they have always been our students. And so, the choice that lies before us is not whether we can choose to make all kids straight and cisgender. We cannot. The choice is whether we will have gay and/or trans kids who are happy, healthy, and safe . . . or whether we will have gay and/or trans kids who are miserable, lonely, self-hating, and suicidal.

In the 27 years since I last attended Leon High School, I’d hoped our country, and Leon County, had improved in our treatment of LGBTQ youth, but this new LCSB policy is a giant step backwards.

Harry Thomas

Harry Thomas, a graduate of Leon High School, earned a Ph.D. in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has published a book about American literature and masculinity (Sissy!, University of Alabama Press, 2017). He taught high school English for 10 years in Durham, North Carolina.


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