
Rutland City will celebrate Pride for the first time –

” data-medium-file=”×201.jpeg” data-large-file=”×408.jpeg” width=”2560″ height=”1714″ src=”” alt=”Banner with the new "I Love Rutland" logo on a lampposts in Rutland.” class=”lazyload wp-image-364208″ data-sizes=”(max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px” srcset=” 2560w,×201.jpeg 300w,×408.jpeg 610w,×84.jpeg 125w,×514.jpeg 768w,×1028.jpeg 1536w,×1371.jpeg 2048w”>

Banners with the new “I Love Rutland” logo were mounted to lampposts this week. Photo by Emma Cotton/VTDigger

RUTLAND — The “I Love Rutland” logo has decorated car bumpers, water bottles and lawn signs for several years, but a new version of the logo, unveiled this week, makes a statement many haven’t seen in the city before. 

Lampposts in the center of downtown have donned a new version of the logo. It replaces the red heart with a heart featuring a Progress-Pride flag — a more colorful version of the rainbow flag that includes people of color and those who are transgender. Beneath the logo is a new slogan: “All Are Welcome Here.”

For the first time, Rutland is celebrating Pride, an event held around the country every June that recognizes the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, plus) community.