
‘RHOSLC’ RECAP: Whitney Rose Tries To Gaslight Heather Gay Into Lying For Her! – All About The Tea

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

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‘RHOSLC’ RECAP: Whitney Rose Tries To Gaslight Heather Gay Into Lying For Her!

The October 26 episode of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, followed Jen Shah  to pre-trial meetings in New York with a new update on her case. Heather Gay hosts a messy ski day to reunite the women, but tempers flare when Lisa Barlow discovers Angie Harrington is attending the event. Whitney Rose attempts to gaslight Heather but realizes their friendship might be over.

Jen Shah’s Legal Woes

The episode starts with Jen Shah, who left Arizona early to meet with her lawyers in NYC for pre-trial exercises. She returned home (make-up free) to Utah and updated her husband, Sharrieff Shah, on the latest happenings in her case. “The three days that I was in New York meeting with my attorneys was so grueling. We’re going through mock trials, so how my legal team is preparing me is by saying lies, spewing BS, and just trying to tear [me] down. That’s what this was the last three days. So it feels really good to be home,” she said.

Coach is a supportive husband and suggested they do some “soul gazing”, to help them “connect” with each other on a deeper level. The couple stared into each other’s eyes, but that didn’t last for long because Jen found the exercise hilarious and couldn’t stop giggling. She revealed they started therapy.

“Coach and I originally started therapy after my dad passed away. And I feel like now more than ever, we have to continue through the couple’s therapy to help us navigate through these uncharted waters that neither of us have ever been through or know how to deal with,” she explained in a talking head confessional. 

“I had the girls trip in Phoenix, got back on the plane to New York, went to meetings for two solid days with Priya [Chaudhry] and the legal team. I get home Monday only to find out from Priya that the judge is pushing the trial out until July,” she said. “I’ve been working around the clock preparing for trial in three weeks, stressed to the max, trying to fit everything in. I can’t sleep because I’m up all night with a notepad on my nightstand, waking up if I think of something to tell the attorneys and I write it down. And then, all of a sudden, to hear it’s pushed until July… there was just a lot of emotions mixed up when I heard that. I was pissed and angry. I’m just tired of people questioning my innocence, and I can’t talk about it. So I want to go to trial, I want my innocence to be proven so I’m like, ‘Please, let’s get this over with.’ And then we can move on with our life.” Jen shared with Coach.

Coach feels God is testing them and this will be something they can learn from. Then, he told Jen, “our time is coming.” 

Heather Questions Angie

Heather Gay meets with Angie Harrington to gossip about the drama in Arizona regarding Lisa exchanging sexual favors for Utah Jazz tickets. Heather asks her did she start the rumor, to which Angie responds, “Never.” Angie shadely says even if it was true, she would never say it because courtside at a Jazz game is a business environment. At least for Vida Tequila it is.

Angie Harrington

Heather believes her but Angie seemingly confirms Whitney’s tea about Lisa,  “I don’t know Whitney to be a liar,” Angie says in a talking head confessional, “I know Whitney to be a pot-stirrer, and I know Whitney to be paranoid. I hope it’s not true, but if it’s true, whoever Lisa’s hooking up with must be a submissive because that’s a lot to deal with.”

Heather Gay

Heather invites Angie to a ski day she’s hosting for all the ladies, some friends, and some of her cousins. She’s anxious about her upcoming book, Bad Mormon, fracturing their relationship. 

Brooks Wants Brett Favre

Meredith Marks and Seth meet for lunch with Brooks, who’s visiting from college. Seth wants to know if Brooks is dating, and he reveals, “I’ve actually had a boyfriend for the past two years” Brooks then says he’s joking. Then he’s asked to describe his perfect mate, and Brooks asks his father the same question to which, Seth quickly chooses, “Brett Favre,” and starts singing his praises. Awkward!

Whitney Quits The LDS

Whitney is done with the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and wants to make it official. Her friend visits to notarize the resignation letter she’s about to send to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Whitney Rose

Whitney didn’t initially read the instructions on quitmormon.org and didn’t realize she needed her letter to be notarized.

“They make it so hard to leave because if they can keep you, there’s a chance that they can reactivate you,” she says, “which means you’ll start paying 10% of your income again. I think it’s all about money and power and control. They’re not trying to save the souls of Zion. They want your 10%.”

Whitney says that when she cheated on her first husband with her current husband, who was also her boss and married to someone else. She was told she had to meet with the stake high council and “tell them everything I had done. … They’d ask me questions about when, where, how.” And in “hindsight,” that was “highly inappropriate.”

Whitney Rose

Whitney recalls, “sitting in front of that council feeling not only ashamed, … but I almost feel like I’m being preyed on. I felt manipulated. I felt icky. That’s when I knew I did not believe this.”

Heather’s Messy Ski Event

Lisa Barlow is pissed and disgusted when Angie hugs her at the event. “This hug,” Lisa says in a confessional, “is as fake as everything else about her.”

Lisa’s not pleased that Heather Gay invited Angie. “How do you expect us to have a good relationship if you invite somebody that just talked badly about my family and my marriage?” Lisa asks in the confessional. “I mean, we were friends for 20 years, and [Angie] lied about me and my family and my business. That’s not a friend. I don’t even want her around me.”

Angie and Whitney talk about the rumor “Maybe Heather doesn’t remember,” Whitney tells her, because there was “a lot” of drinking. Angie says she does not recall saying anything bad about Lisa, “but I think it’s pretty clear I would own it if I remembered it. I just don’t.”

Whitney Rose

Whitney calls her a liar. “I expect this of Angie,” she says in a confessional. “This is what liars do to cover their asses.”

Angie wants to talk with Lisa, who wants no parts of the discussion or Angie. “To be honest, I’m not really interested [in] more lies,” Lisa tells her.

Angie replies, “Tell me what the lies are, Lisa.”

Lisa does not entertain Angie’s nonsense and storms off.

In a confessional, Lisa says, “It doesn’t matter that we knew each other for 20 years. It’s, like, stab you in the back, kiss you on the cheek. And sometimes it’s both at the same time. The damage has been done.”

Whitney pulls Heather aside, and explains that their fight was “about details.” Heather agrees with her but makes it clear that she did not hear “those specific rumors, and I felt like you came charging up … looking for me to corroborate. And, girl, if I could, I wouldn’t even flinch.”

“I wasn’t asking you to corroborate. I was just asking you to have my back,” Whitney says. However, that’s exactly what she was pushing Whitney to do in Arizona. 

Whitney Rose

“We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that detail,” Whitney says, and Heather agrees — to Whitney’s face. In a confessional, Heather says, “‘Agree to disagree’ to me just means I will let you go on this crazy-ass journey. and I will be waiting for you when you come back. Because there’s no disagreement. She’s just wrong.”

Heather Gay

Heather stands her ground while Whitney tries to gaslight her into taking her side, “You took my pain and weaponized it against me. … You kind of turned it on me that I made the trip about myself,” she says. 

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesday nights, at 9pm ET, on Bravo.

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