
‘RHOSLC’ RECAP: Heather Gay Implicates Jen Shah’s Husband In … – All About The Tea

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

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Jen Shah

‘RHOSLC’ RECAP: Heather Gay Implicates Jen Shah’s Husband In Her Crimes

The season 3 finale of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, centered around Jen Shah flying to New York City for her upcoming fraud trial, with Heather Gay and Meredith Marks following behind to support but the women are surprised when the case takes an unexpected turn.

Heather Gay

Jen Shah was arrested in March 2021 for running a fraudulent telemarketing scheme targeting elderly victims. She declared her innocence for a long while then on the day her trial was suppose to start, she changed her plea to guilty in July 2022. 

Jen Shah

Heather Gay and Meredith Marks were under the impression that Jen was going to trial to fight her case but when she unexpectedly pleads guilty and takes a deal from the government, the ladies are stunned.

Upon returning to Utah, Heather meets with Lisa Barlow for lunch  — and the two didn’t hold back on their feelings regarding Jen pleading guilty, while previously professing her innocence.  

“I am overwhelmed with grief,” Heather told Lisa two days after returning from New York City. “Grief that we are in this situation, that there are victims, our friend is going away for a decade and she has a 16-year-old.”

Heather Gay

“That made me bawl my eyes out yesterday,” Lisa Barlow responded while seemingly tearing up. “All I could think about was her in the van, saying, ‘I’m not going to see Reefie [Jen’s son, Sharrieff Jr.] get married.’”

Heather stood tall by Jen’s side and was one of the few people in the circle that believed in her innocence but now she feels duped.

“What she pled guilty to is so bad,” Heather shared. “And the fact that she’s taken it this far and gone on for this long and proclaimed her innocence, and now, I can only think she did it and she thought she was going to get away with it, and when she realized she wasn’t going to get away with it, her story changed.”

Heather Gay

“It was the last thing I expected, was for her to plead guilty,” Heather continued.

Heather theorizes that Jen’s husband, Coach Sharrieff Sr, who is an attorney, got wind of his wife’s illegal dealings and that pushed her to fess up to the feds.

“I think that Coach discovered what Jen was doing and that it was impossible to explain,” Heather said. “With all the witness statements and all the witnesses, there was something that they couldn’t get out of.”

“And it was a smoking gun that said, ‘OK, the gig is up.’ You have to walk in there, you have to say you did these things and you have to go to prison for a decade,” Heather noted. “And I’ll tell you right now, if my husband knew about it and I knew he was involved?”

Heather Gay

Lisa chimed in to say she’d be “losing my mind,” before Heather said, “There you go, sis. I’ll take care of the boys, I’ll see you in 15 years. That to me, is a whole ‘nother tragedy. I think she did it.”

Also in the episode, Heather’s black eye mystery is still a hot topic among the ladies.

“It’s totally gone, just like the memory of it — I hope,” Heather told Lisa during her party to celebrate the reveal of her book.

“The memory’s not going away, Heather. I think it’s going to be the topic of many conversations,” Lisa responded.

Lisa Barlow

Across the room, Angie Katsenevas is being messy during a conversation with Lisa and Whitney Rose. Lisa and Whitney told Angie K. that Jen is telling folks that she gave Heather the black eye.

“She’s trying to put rumors out there and ruin my good name because hers is in the toilet?” Angie asked Whitney and Lisa. “That is not something I am even capable of doing.”

Angie K. then retaliated by accusing Jen and Heather of a late-night lesbian romp in San Diego that got out of control and resulted in Jen injuring Heather.

“Guess what? Everyone’s been saying that her and Heather were in the room doing Barbie scissor kicks and then Shah beat the sh-t out of her,” Angie speculated. “They’re in the room, having a sexual relationship and then ‘romping, bomping and giving each other a black eye after because maybe someone wasn’t good in bed afterwards — Who knows?”

Jen Shah

Jen eventually made her way over to Angie, Lisa and Whitney and Angie jumps right into the black-eye rumors. Angie and Jen get into a brief back and forth and Jen is unusually reserved (because of her impending legal doom) before storming off with her husband. 

Jen Shah was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison on January 6, and ordered to surrender to a Texas prison on February 17.

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