Confidence Man also reveals this charming incident, via Rolling Stone:

It was January of 2017, and a newly inaugurated president Donald Trump held a reception at the White House to meet with top congressional leaders. Hors d’oeuvres were on the menu. And the new president turned to a row of racially diverse Democratic staffers and asked them to retrieve the canapés, according to [the] book.

“Why don’t you get” the food, Trump told staffers for Senator Chuck Schumer, Representative Nancy Pelosi, and others…. Then White House chief of staff Reince Priebus rushed to correct Trump’s remark, telling the then president that he’d just addressed top congressional aides before going to find the actual White House waitstaff. 

At other times, according to Haberman, Trump would boast to people visiting the White House that he’d had his private White House bathroom redone, which one guest “interpreted…to mean Trump did not want to use the same bathroom as his Black predecessor.”

Of course, Black people were far from the only ones on the receiving end of Trump’s not-at-all-disguised prejudice. According to CNN, the book describes an episode in which Trump was preparing for a 2016 debate, when Priebus, playing the part of a transgender student, asked the then candidate if a trans woman could use a girls’ bathroom.

“I have a question,” Trump said to a room full of people, Haberman recounts. “Cocked or decocked?” After the group responded with blank stares, Haberman writes, Trump made a chopping gesture. “With cock or without cock?” he asked.

Cisgender women were apparently similarly afforded the same level of respect. Per The Daily Beast:

It was…in the ’80s, while he was at a black-tie dinner with his first wife, Ivana Trump, when the topic of Brazilian women came up. “They have so much pussy hair,” Trump said. According to Haberman, New York City socialite Tony Gliedman’s wife, Ginny, stared at Trump as he dove into how Brazilian women have to wax frequently.

Elsewhere in the tome, Haberman reportedly writes that Trump would frequently show photos of women he’d slept with to his employees and, while serving as president, referred to German chancellor Angela Merkel as “that bitch.” Of Nikki Haley, his ambassador to the United Nations, the then president would complain: “Can’t we do better lighting or give her better makeup?” Before Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, he would reportedly joke about her worsening health, putting his hands in mock-prayer and saying, “Please, God. Please watch over her. Every life is precious.”

Naturally, Trump had many thoughts about gay men too. Former Trump employees, Haberman writes, “recalled Trump mocking gay men, or men who were seen as weak, with the words ‘queer’ or ‘faggot.” According to the author, he would bully these men behind closed doors; former Trump Organization executive Alan Marcus told Haberman that Trump would “belittle” another executive who Trump believed was gay and “bragged that he paid the executive less.”

In a statement to CNN, Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich suggested no one cares that the ex-president is an even more horrible person than previously thought, telling the outlet: “While coastal elites obsess over boring books chock-full of anonymously sourced mistruths, America is a nation in decline. President Trump is focused on saving America, and there’s nothing the fake news can do about it.”