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Religion as a political football – The Spectator Australia

It’s no secret that many on the progressive Left despise Judeo-Christian faiths and their legacy on Western Civilisation. Their pro-Islam stance is, however, somewhat perplexing.

Last month, Victorian State Premier Daniel Andrews (apparently a Catholic when it suits him), embarked on another cash splurge, donating $5 million towards Islamic community infrastructure and $3 million via the IMA and other Muslim organisations. In addition, he announced the state of Victoria would be providing a $500,000 grant to the Islamic Museum in partnership with the Board of Imams and the Islamic Council of Victoria to ensure ‘that everyone across our state knows about the works of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him’.

‘It is very important that his teachings, his life, his journey, is understood by so many people,’ Andrews said, in a video for the Islamic Museum of Australia.

This is less than two months after Andrews lambasted Andrew Thorburn for being part of a Church that had historically preached that ‘practising homosexuality is a sin’ – views which Andrews said were ‘absolutely appalling’, ‘bigoted’, and ‘intolerant’.

Is Andrews familiar with the teachings of Islam? Does he know that the Islamic faith has very socially-conservative views, which are quite contrary to his socially-progressive agenda?

Let’s turn to the facts.

Have a look at this infographic of countries where homosexuality and any non-heterosexual practises are illegal. Now, have a look at where homosexuality is punishable by death. Nearly all of these countries are majority Islamic where religious doctrine plays a role in government policy. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where gay marriage is legal. Jordan and Bahrain are the only Arab countries where homosexuality is legal. In contrast, there are no countries in the Western world where homosexuality is illegal, let alone punishable by death.

Well, you may say, that’s all well and good, but that does not represent the views of the Islamic community in Australia. Perhaps that’s true. But let’s not forget the Australian gay marriage plebiscite in 2017. Imams and Islamic leaders in Australia campaigned against same-sex marriage, using their sermons in mosques across Australia to urge the Muslim community to vote no. Indeed, in the words of the president of the Queensland Council of Imams, gay marriage was deemed to be ‘unacceptable to the faith.’

Strange, I never once heard Andrews call out Australian Imams for their ‘homophobia’, ‘bigotry’, or ‘intolerance’. How does the self-proclaimed most socially progressive premier in the country reconcile his support for a religion which is traditionally hostile to homosexuals? He seems to save his breath for attacks on Christianity.

None of this is to say Muslims shouldn’t be welcome in Australia. Freedom of religious practice is essential in a free society. But the double standard from the Left – shelling out millions to the Islamic community while harassing Christians – is troubling to say the least.

Why should Andrews stop short with his $8 million taxpayer donation toward the Islamic community? Jesus was a pretty nice guy, why not teach Victorians about his journey? Considering Victoria already has the highest state debt in the country – greater than that of NSW, Queensland, and Tasmania combined – why not splash out some more taxpayer money? I am sure that Mr Thorburn’s City on a Hill Church, whose views on homosexuality are quite on par with that of the Islamic faith, would appreciate a donation from Andrews.

After analysing Australia’s most recent census (alongside Hinduism, Islam is the fastest growing religion in Australia), it is evident Andrews made this pitch in a bid to secure the Islamic vote in the recent state election. Do people see the irony? The socially-progressive euthanasia and abortion laws (forbidden in Islam), the safe injecting rooms, and Labor’s habit of bending over backwards for the LGBTQ+ community.

It’s not just Andrews that’s at fault for this double standard. It’s widespread in Australian media. For example, who could forget earlier this year when all hell broke loose after seven Christian NRL players refused to play, not wanting to wear pride jerseys? Prop Josh Aloiai revealed that his family had received ‘death threats’. Yet the critics were conspicuously silent when AFLW player, Haneen Zreika, elected to sit out of the pride round. According to the AFL’s head of inclusion and social policy, ‘people of faith have rights as well.’ They certainly do. But why the double standard?

The Left’s tolerance of Islamic beliefs along with its hyper-criticism of Judeo-Christian faiths is not unique to Australia. The trend is visible throughout the Western world. To the broader West, on a macro level, Douglas Murray points out in two of his books, The Strange Death of Europe as well as the more recent The War on The West, the inclination of cultural elites in Western society to be damning of Christianity as an evil and to celebrate other religions as part of multiculturalism. Not just celebrate, but in some shameful instances, allegedly even cover-up disgraceful crimes, like child sexual abuse, in the name of ‘community cohesion’.

Religious tolerance is important. People are entitled to their views and should be free to conduct their lives in the way they see fit, so long as they are not imposing or coercing their worldview upon others. But it is a hypocritical disgrace for Andrews and others to pick and choose which religions they will condemn.

Mark Burgess is a contributor for Young Voices Australia.

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