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Electronica jam band Lotus opens Red Rocks Amphitheatre’s limited-capacity concert season with a four-night run that starts on Thursday, April 22, while electronica duo Break Science headlines the Boulder Theater two nights. This week’s online shows include eTown’s 30th b’Earthday Celebration, with Black Pumas, Nathaniel Rateliff, Sarah Jarosz, Lyle Lovett, Bob Weir, Los Lobos and more, and ARISE Online: Earth Day 2021, with Mike Love, Satsang, Mystic Grizzly and more.
Here’s what’s happening in and around town (and online) this week:
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420 Celebration
Tuesday, April 20, 7:30 p.m.
Herman’s Hideaway, 1578 South Broadway
DJ Dice, the official DJ for Redman and Method Man, headlines the 420 festival.
Break Science
Tuesday, April 20 and Wednesday, April 21, 8 p.m.
Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder
Electronica duo Break Science plays two nights at the Boulder Theater, with Mikey Thunder opening on Tuesday and Brisco Jones opening on Wednesday.
Electronic Tuesdays
Tuesday, April 20, 7 p.m.
The Black Box, 314 East 13th Avenue
Dubstep producer Caspa streams a set while Isotheric, Among the Mist, Tempo, Shaman and Waylo play live.
Matt Fuller Plays Chet Atkins
Wednesdays in April, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m.
Nocturne, 1330 27th Street
Guitarist Matt Fuller and his trio celebrate the musical legacy of legendary guitarist Chet Atkins.
Andrew Vogt Quartet: Tribute to Gerry Mulligan and Art Pepper
Thursdays in April, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m.
Nocturne, 1330 27th Street
Andrew Vogt pays homage to saxophonists Gerry Mulligan and Art Pepper, who helped define the West Coast jazz sound of the ’50s.
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ARISE Online: Earth Day 2021
Thursday, April 22, 7 p.m.
$15-$20 donations
ARISE Music Festival livestreams an Earth Day celebration with Mike Love, Satsang, Mystic Grizzly, Block 1750, artist John Speaker and more.
eTown 30th b’Earthday Celebration
Thursday, April 22, 5 p.m.
The virtual concert includes Black Pumas, Nathaniel Rateliff, Sarah Jarosz, Lyle Lovett, Bob Weir, Los Lobos, Sam Bush, City and Colour, The War and Treaty, and Raquel Garcia. Former U.S. senator and environmental advocate Tim Wirth and U.S. Representative Joe Neguse will join in for the conversation portion of the livestream. eTown will also be inducted into the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Thursday, April 22, through Sunday, April 25, 8 p.m.
Red Rocks Amphitheatre, 18300 West Alameda Parkway, Morrison
Jamtronica act Lotus kicks off Red Rocks’ limited-capacity (2,500 people) concert season with a four-night run.
Find more music events in the Westword concert calendar. Organizing a concert you’d like considered for this list? Send information to editorial@westword.com.
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