If you’re planning to be there for someone who’s recently come out, here’s how you could get it right without going over the top

By Rahul Khanna

PUBLISHED ON SEP 04, 2021 09:40 PM IST

Subtle support

My brother recently came out as gay to our family. (I’m a straight guy.) Will my wearing a skirt on his birthday in September be looked at as support, or a gimmick?

—Shantanu, Via Instagram

What does a skirt have to do with it—did your brother come out as gay or Scottish? This isn’t like a state visit where a world leader puts on local attire for a photo-op.

To answer your question, unless gender-fluid garments are a regular feature in your sartorial repertoire, not only will it come across as a gimmick but possibly also offensive and will make you look like an insensitive jackass. How about just being there for your brother by spending time with him and sending him messages of support leading up to his big day. At the party, if you want to make a visible gesture, I would suggest an accessory that subtly incorporates the pride flag. A tie bar, cufflinks or pocket square (pick one, not all three!) with a rainbow motif would be a sweet show of solidarity without being too extra. You could even make a donation to an LGBTQIA+ charity and include the receipt with his main gift. Save that skirt for your next Braveheart themed party.

Rahul Khanna is a “boutique actor”, whose sartorial statements and good looks often send hearts aflutter. He goes by @mrkhanna on Instagram

From HT Brunch, September 5, 2021

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