For Oscar Best photo It’s time to provide a list of the racial / ethnic identities and sexual / sexual orientations of the candidates, the people involved in your film.
on Wednesday, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and SciencesPresent OscarQuietly launched the new RAISE platform, an online system designed to collect identity and content information from film producers at the 2021 Best Picture Awards. With 366 films screened last year, the impact could be significant. Response is required by November 15th. The demand for data has begun to implement the previously announced Oscar representation, Inclusion Criteria: Movies that do not meet the inclusion threshold will not be excluded until the 2024 show, but a detailed report will begin now.
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“We are pleased to announce the official launch of the Expression and Inclusion Criteria Input Platform (RAISE), which is designed to facilitate the sensitive collection of data and information related to the Academy’s Expression and Inclusion Criteria.” Wednesday’s email for candidates said. , From the Academy Representative, Inclusion, Equity office.
All candidates will receive a RAISE identification number when they fill out the data form. “You need a raise ID to complete the submission,” the email says about this year’s Oscar process.
The platform is only available to the person who submitted the movie. However, a glimpse of the user-provided opening page and the first section related to on-screen representations, themes, and narrative standards is one of four standards and will win the Best Picture of the Future award. Must meet two. A detailed and consistent approach to data collection.
“All submissions are monitored and analyzed to identify key trends related to the industry,” said the platform introduction. “Senders are encouraged to share as much data as possible across all standards.”
The total crew size and total cast size are in the first query. A note has been added to the introductory part. “The criteria and thresholds for meeting the criteria are subject to change and are reviewed annually.”
From there, the question becomes more personal and the producer is “encouraged” to have data “validated by the individual, if possible”. Standard A, on-screen representations, themes, and narrative standards, for example Category A1, require an information sheet for each lead or supporting role in an underrated ethnic or racial group. The actor must be named and will be required to have an email address and a “social profile”. The sheet also asks for the preferred pronoun, gender identity, specifically “Is this individual identified as transgender?”
Next is the checklist. The first box asks if the person under review is a member of the Academy (although membership is not a requirement for Oscar’s consideration). Status review questions include a checklist of 11 boxes related to African Americans, Native Americans, Southeast Asia, Caucasians, and, of course, ethnicity. Target disorders include chronic illness and pain, mental health, and dyslexia. Sexual orientation- “Choose all that applies”-is bisexual, gay, heterosexual / straight, lesbian, pansexual, queer, prefer not to say or prefer to explain It is included.
The checklist contains a box that says “We cannot provide data related to this standard.” But it adds a warning.NS Academy Awards (2024), the lack of this data can affect the eligibility for the Best Picture Award review. “
It’s unclear exactly how the new platform will structure questions related to other standards, such as story content, filmmaker identities, employment, or internship or training practices at distributors. The academy plans to make the RAISE platform more widely available as early as next week.
Race and Gender Stock Times Are Here – Deadline For Best Picture Award Candidates
Source link Race and Gender Stock Times Are Here – Deadline For Best Picture Award Candidates