Monster Makeup, LLC is an independent entertainment company based out of Providence, Rhode Island in the USA. Aside from creating music, art and scary monsters, they now also produce low budget horror films funded primarily from public donations.
Their first feature Death Drop Gorgeous is an LGBTQI slasher flick and screened in over 20 film festivals during 2020 including The Wicked Queer: Boston LGBT Film Festival, The Hollywood HorrorFest and the Salem Horror Festival, collecting several awards along the way.
‘Vampire Killer Wreaks Havoc!’ is the headline in all the local news programs as a serial killer is on the rampage violently murdering gay men and draining their bodies of blood. The question on everybody’s mind, what is this psycho doing with the blood?
Two detectives are investigating the case and announce, “Looks like we got ourselves a serial fag killing vampire!” The suspect may be working at a local drag club. Is it the drag queen who is disenchanted with her treatment at the club? Or perhaps the owner, a devious and poor excuse of a human being? There are many possibilities and as all the characters and scenarios are introduced it becomes a wildly fun game for audiences in trying to solve the puzzle of whodunnit?
This queer horror flick has it all! Gay audiences should not only adore the deliciously naughty and flamboyant drag queens wearing the traditional colourful frocks, wigs and heavy makeup, but may also be aroused by the semi-clad young male go-go dancers and the super handsome cast headed predominantly by pretty boyz.
The murder scenes are unbearably gruesome to watch leaving nothing to the imagination, one in particular redefining the word ‘grinder’ as a detective asks, ”Who’s shredding his meat potatoes like that?” In between the torturous blood splattering raw violence underlying themes of relationships, racism and ageing resonate.
Audiences may be disgusted as the raw and never before seen torturous acts are committed but laughter should transpire as much of the dialogue is humorously written with bitchy undertones, an example being when a drag queen is told, “If you’re going to have two faces at least make one of them pretty!”
The drama, suspense and violence pick up substantially in the second act, developing into something of a psychological thriller and leading to a blood curdling finale.
Targeted queer audiences should love Death Drop Gorgeous! Nothing is sacred, as glory holes, fetishes, Grindr, cocaine snorting and vomit inducing violence are all referenced, but disappointingly no graphic sex is depicted!
Anybody who enjoys watching drag queen flicks with ‘just an ounce of blood’ should not miss this, so open a bottle of wine, sit back and enjoy this outrageously flamboyant bloodfest!