
Pulse shooting, COVID ICU, vaccines: Nurse travels nation serving on front lines | Opinion – TCPalm

Mary Pitman was working as a traveling nurse at New York University Langone Medical Center in April 2020 when a box of homemade cookies was delivered.

“Thank you for taking care of my daddy,” the 10-year-old child of a patient told Pitman in a note attached to the cookies.

“(His father) died the next night,” Pitman told me the other day, choking up when thinking of the 35- or 45-year-old COVID-19 patient and his child. “I thought about that kid. And I thought, ‘But mommy, I made some cookies.’ ”

It was one of an untold number of deaths she and fellow nurses saw in the COVID intensive care unit, full of ventilators, as the novel coronavirus tore through the Big Apple.

Mary Pitman worked from April to June 2020 at Langone Medical Center as COVID-19 erupted in New York City.

Seeing lots of death

Now, as the pandemic packs hospitals on the Treasure Coast, it’s important not to overlook health care professionals like Pitman, 66, who has a home in Vero Beach. Many have seen more death in 18 months than they’ve previously seen in their careers — in Pitman’s case, 40 years.

She’s been a traveling nurse the past five, working in such places as Hawaii, South Carolina and Maryland. Her two stints in COVID-19 ICUs have been memorable, especially when patients could not have visitors.

“I stood with them as they passed, and talked to them and said, ‘Your wife said she loves you. Your daughter loves you. You’re safe. It’s OK to go. I’m standing here with you,’ ” she said. “And the heart rate would slow and it was just done. And then you had to call and tell the family.”

At Langone, physicians were learning about COVID on the job and had few proven treatments.

“We were on the cutting edge of research,” Pitman, a West Palm Beach native, said. “But it wasn’t even prolonging their life, because you knew they weren’t coming back. It was prolonging their existence.”

Mary Pitman was protected while treating COVID-19 patients in New York City and Ocala in 2020 and 2021.

Leadership at NYU Langone

Langone impressed her because the hospital’s chief operating and nursing officers walked the COVID floor daily, garbed in protective gear, asking staff what they needed and how they could help.

“This is how you lead a hospital during a pandemic,” she said she told the executives.

Living on Park Avenue in a $3,200-a-month studio apartment four blocks from the hospital with the Chrysler building as her night light was incredible, she said. With take-home pay of $4,469 a week for 48 hours of work, it was affordable. She enjoyed New York City sights on near-empty streets, from ornamental iron work on buildings to dogs wearing shoes.

“It was surreal,” she said.

On her birthday she went to the bank and found a large police presence, stores boarding up and protesters gathering. Later she learned Macy’s flagship store and others had been looted.

Such experiences are why she decided to travel after working at physician offices and hospitals in Indian River County starting in 2005. Why travel?

“The adventure of it,” she said. “The ability to see new ways of doing things and learn new things. …  I love what I do. It’s an honor and a privilege.”

Pitman’s decision to work on a COVID floor came despite concerns of her son in Port St. Lucie and mother in Vero Beach. Pitman, who spent three years as a newspaper lifestyle editor in Forsyth County, Georgia, after going to journalism school mid-career, also worked with COVID patients earlier this year in Ocala.

That was after spending January screening patients at Indian River County Fairgrounds vaccination clinics, which she hoped would be the beginning of the end of the pandemic.

“The positive feedback from people, and them taking the proactive step of, ‘We know the vaccine is new, but we’re willing to give it a shot,’ — just the whole change of attitude was healing,” she said.

Pulse shooting 

Healing came another way shortly after she began her traveling-nurse career in the post-anesthesia unit at Orlando Regional Medical Center June 12, 2016.

That’s when Fort Pierce resident Omar Mateen, 29, walked into Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, opening fire, killing 49 people and injuring 53.

“Everything was handled pretty well,” she said. “The night of the shooting was just get the basics done. We’re not going to fine tune anything, just keep them alive.

“The emotional toll of it was people kept coming back … for more surgery, over and over and over, and you thought about the devastating effect on these people who innocently were just out to have a good time.”

Pitman choked up telling me about how shortly after the shooting, nurses from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, which handled patients from the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013, sent her department food and eight pages of handwritten words of encouragement.

“I’m thankful for the support and words of encouragement I received when I was broken and had no one else to turn to,” Pitman said in a blog posted by her nursing agency. “I have a new skill set I can bring to the next assignment.”

Future assignments took to her to other top teaching hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins, George Washington and the University of Massachusetts. In Massachusetts, she visited Beth Israel Deaconess and thanked the nurses.

For the past few summers she’s worked at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington.

Would nurses take required vaccines?

There’s been talk the hospital might require employees to get vaccinated. Such a mandate, she said, might persuade nurses to leave.

“One of the nurses said, ‘I have a lot of questions (about the vaccine),’ ” Pitman said. “OK, we’re at a major teaching hospital. We do research. Give them a list of these questions and get them addressed. This is not rocket science.”

Pitman, having seen COVID-19 up close, got the vaccine as soon as possible. Without that personal connection, she said, she might have had a doubt.

“(But) I decided there’s nothing the vaccine could do to me that would be worse that what COVID could do,” she said.

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Mary Pitman checks a patient's chart Friday, Sept. 18, 2009, at the Indian River Memorial Hospital recovery room in Vero Beach, Florida. Pitman said she prefers to be a contract nurse rather than take the pay cut as full-time nurse for the hospital, eligible for benefits including health insurance. Call it a health care gamble: the decision by some people to opt out of health insurance, paying cash for routine care while playing the odds that an accident or catastrophic illness won't plunge them into financial ruin.
Larry Reisman

That’s coming from someone who in 2009 was featured in an Associated Press article about employees who declined health insurance and faced fines under the Affordable Care Act. Back then, Pitman saved and invested money she otherwise would have spent in premiums.

Pitman also made national news in 2011, when she appeared on “Good Morning America” to plug her book, “The Little Book of Missing Money.” It explains how to find money you might be entitled to, such as an unclaimed life insurance policy, unreturned deposit or a forgotten savings account.

As a writer, Pitman won a Georgia journalism award for a column describing young dancers in “The Nutcracker” ballet this way:

“These are dancers who dance not with their feet, but with their hearts.”

After what Pitman’s done the past five years, it’s clear she takes care of people not with her hands, but with her heart.

This column reflects the opinion of Laurence Reisman. Contact him via email at, phone at 772-978-2223, or Twitter @LaurenceReisman