As we reach the end of June, the deeply political origins of Pride Month deservedly define our annual June commemoration. The 1969 uprising at New York City’s Stonewall Inn, following similar acts of resistance in California and Detroit, are historical markers in LGBTQ+ rights, activism, and justice. But equally important is the documentation and flourishing of joy that has emerged despite the pain of marginalization.
In the 1960s, gay rights activist Frank Kameny originated the slogan “Gay is good”— inspired by “Black is beautiful.” This aided in a cultural shift on how being gay was perceived. Kameny believed it insufficient to merely say being gay was not bad; rather, we should also elevate and celebrate queerness. Today, Kameny’s message resonates more than ever. It is a reminder to highlight LGBTQ+ voices and stories, showing young members of the community that their identities are seen, their stories are heard, and their voices are needed.
This is especially evident in books, which are a central part of shaping societal mores and possibilities. They are not only products of culture but reflections of where culture is headed. From James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room to Alice Walker’s The Color Purple; Leslie Feinberg’s Stone Butch Blues to Gabby Rivera’s Juliet Takes a Breath to Jeremy Atherton Lin’s Gay Bar: Why We Went Out, there are many nuances defining the LGBTQ+ community. And as noted in Gregory D. Smithers’s recent history of Indigenous LGBTQ+ individuals, Reclaiming Two-Spirits: Sexuality, Spiritual Renewal & Sovereignty in Native America, “There is no unified, cohesive, universal queer history but instead a series of sometimes overlapping, sometimes not overlapping, queer histories.”
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A multifaceted history of queerness—which incorporates both our depths and joy—has continued to emerge, even in the face of book ban efforts in 10 states. In December, led by the National Coalition Against Censorship, more than 600 authors, publishers and other organizations signed a joint statement condemning attacks meant to silence and suppress LGBTQ+ voices. Books expose readers to worlds beyond their boundaries and expands their views; restricting curricula has the adverse effect.
As the LGBTQ+ experience evolves, our literature is evolving with it. We have room to honor our elders who pioneered queer liberation movements as a current generation of young people carry their work forward—whether in protests against Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill or across social media platforms. Observing the political triumphs of the past and loudly sharing our dreams for the future, Pride is political, but it’s also a party.
We love a good Pride party—okay, many, many Pride parties—because they are not dirges or solemn affairs. Pride celebrations remind us of the joy that is at the heart of queer life and love, which is now appearing in books: ebullient, shimmering displays of resilience, heart, style, and pizzazz.
Oprah Daily has curated a list of books, recent and not so recent, that shows that our pride does not have to be situated in pain. Queer stories can be humanizing, joyful, equalizing, and fun. The whole point of Pride is to be proud, to really embody that love is love. To remind the world that we are human, we’re here, get used to us. One of the best ways to do that is to revel in characters and situations that apply universally.
LGBTQ+ authors and characters in their books have been blazing a magnificent trail. They don’t pretend that hateful, regressive, and punitive language and policies aren’t happening. But hate won’t be the only narrative when it comes to queer identity. Joy in survival is one of the most beautiful aspects of being different, out, and proud.
The books we’ve selected highlight the beauty, equality, and visibility that is also part of celebrating Pride Month. These titles underscore that Pride is about flourishing in spite of a world that wants to destroy and erase. Maybe that looks like glittery hot pants or sexy leather harnesses or vests. In some cases, it looks like simply being seen and affirmed.
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