Republicans gained about two dozen seats from 6,000 that were contested — a shift of less than one half of 1 percent. But despite Republicans winning slightly more seats overall, it was Democrats who were able to flip chambers. They took over four: both chambers in Michigan, and the state Houses in both Minnesota and Pennsylvania …

They did lose a trifecta in Nevada, but they also took a trifecta from the GOP by winning the Arizona governor’s race. Democrats also won reelection in crucial governor’s contests in Kansas and Wisconsin, which deprived Republicans of potential trifectas.

So while Republicans controlled 23 states to Democrats’ 14 before the election, the split will now be more narrowly in the GOP’s favor: 22-17.

That’s the best split Democrats have seen since before the 2010 election. That was the last time Democrats controlled a majority of states, by a 16-9 margin.