Pike County Board approves personnel matters

Published 7:29 pm Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Pike County Board of Education met Monday to consider new business personnel requests.

In new business, the board:

•Appointed Scott Hartley to fill the vacant District Three Board position, effective October, 1,2022.

•Approved the request to continue the MOU between Troy Resiliency Project and Pike County Schools for October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023

•Approved the request to continue the agreement between Pike County Commission, Pike County Board of Education and Pike County Sheriff for two School Resource Officers.

•Approved the request to continue the MOA between Pike County Board of Education and East Central Mental Health to provide mental health treatment services for students enrolled in the Pike County School System.

•Approved the agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the Pike County School System.

• Approved the agreement between the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County and the Pike County School District to sponsor the JROTC STEM Leadership Academy. There is no cost to the PCBOE.

•Approved the request to update Kindergarten report card to align academic language, mathematic standards and ELA standards to current specifications.

•Approved request to raise the price for visitor lunch from $4.60 to $5.

Approved the request for an activity bus for the Junior Ambassador trips.

•Approved the request for Laura Hodges to travel to and attend the Alabama Counseling Association Professional Development Conference 2022, November 15-18 n Mobile. Funding, State.

•Approved the request for Ranita DeJesus and Dr. Donella Carter to travel to and attend the AAFEP Conference November 2-4 in Orange Beach. Funding ARP ESSER Funds.

• Approved the request for Goshen FFA members and instructors to travel to and participate in the 43rd Annual Sunbelt Ag Expo October 18, in Moultrie, Georgia.

•Approved the request for Jeremy Knox to travel to and attend the following Lead Wiregrass session September 21-22 in Eufaula, November 16, 2022, January 18, 2023, March 7-8, 2023 Montgomery and May 7, 2023. Funding, Perkins.

• Approved the request for Marla Johnson and Nicklaus Chrysson to travel to and attend the CTE TCP Session A training September 6-8 n Prattville. Funding, Perkins and General Funds.

•Approved the request for Dr. Donnella Carter to travel to and attend SSA Fall Conference, October 10-12 in Florence. Funding, General Funds.

•Approved the request for Tracey Arnold, Jeff McClure and Rochelle McKenny to travel to and attend the MTSS Training, October 16-18 in Mobile. Funding, ALSDE and General Funds.

Approved the request for 40 CTE students and Teresa Webb, Abbey McClure, Gina Maxwell, Sherri Evans and Jeremy Knox to travel to and attend the Joint Leadership Development Conference, October 3-4 in Mobile. Funding, TCS and PCS O&M Funds, Perkins.

•Approved Cyber Insurance through Sanbuck Insurance.

•Authorized Dr. Mark Bazzell to accept the quotes for Property Insurance through Sanbuck Insurance for FY 2023 starting October 1,2022.

In personnel action, the board:

• Approved the request to employ Dr. Laura Hodges, counselor GES, retroactive, August 3, 2022.

• Approved the request to employ Stephanie Robinson, Kindergarten GES, retroactive, August 3, 2022.

•Approved the request to employ Jessica Carlos, tutor CA3L.

• Approved the request to employ Makala Cox, tutor CA3L.

•Approved the request to employ Nira Harrelson, bus driver, retroactive August 22, 2022.

•Approved the request to employ Shanbile Neal, CNP worker, PCHS.

•Approved the request to reassign Betty Hiersche, special needs bus aide to bus driver. Retroactive August 22, 2022.

•Accepted the resignation of Shayne Moore, JROTC GHS.

•Approved requested academic supplements for the following teachers: LaToya Gay, Banks; Lori Jacobs, Banks; Alyce Calvin, GHS; and Brandi DeSandro, GHS. Funding CHANCE grant.