Elska is a project centered on traveling around the world, meeting some everyday local gay guys, and introducing their city to our readers through honest photography and personal stories. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it! The latest issue documents a trip to Athens, Greece.

Below, photographer Liam Campbell shares exclusively with GayCities a selection of photos along with a bit of behind-the-scenes commentary about each.

Andreas G

My trip to Athens was full of unforgettable moments, but the top of that list came courtesy of Andreas. He told me to meet him at Syntagma Square, bang in the center of town. As with most Elska photoshoots, I assumed we’d take a walk in his chosen area and snap pics as we explored. Instead, he pulled up on a bright orange Vespa and gestured for me to get on. So, I grabbed hold of Andreas and held tight!

Andreas went on to give me a comprehensive tour of the city. He asked me to look out for shoot locations, but I was too transfixed by the sights to utter a word. There was so much to choose from! Athens is chock full of ancient ruins, grand buildings, and enticing urban street scenes. Eventually, we sort of gave up, pulled over, and just started walking, snapping pics as we went. It was an amazing introduction to the city.

Konstantinos H

The more I learned about Athenians, I discovered their intense love for the islands. They long to escape the city summer heat of summer by finding a breezy paradise for stripping down and lazing on a beach.

Konstantinos told me that he can’t stand Athens in the summer, and that last year he chose to decamp to Mykonos, perhaps the gayest island in the world. There he found a temporary job in the leisure industry before returning home to Athens at the end of the tourist season. I wonder where Konstantinos is spending his summer…

NEXT PAGE – Athens finest on the streets and in the sheets…