During the Tuesday, May 11 regular session for Pleasant Grove Independent School District there were some big announcements made about new faculty coming to the school district. One from TISD and the other from LEISD

Superintendent Chad Pirtle announced the hiring of Carla Dupree, Texas High School Principal, as their new Assistant Superintendent beginning June 1.

According to the press release, Dupree joined the Tiger Family in 2017 as Assistant Principal of Curriculum & Instruction for Texas High and was named Principal in 2018.

“We find ourselves caught between two emotions…thrilled for Carla as she takes on this new role with PGISD and sad because we will miss her greatly,” said Dr. Doug Brubaker, TISD Superintendent of Schools. “She was an extremely dedicated principal and has a heart devoted to serving every student, every day”

The opening for the position of Texas High School Principal has now been posted and is available online at www.txkisd.net.

The Pleasant Grove ISD Board of Trustees approved and announced that Matt Fry was coming in for the position of Director of Operations. Fry is coming in from Liberty-Eylau ISD after 9 years as the Director of Communications for Liberty-Eylau ISD he has also taught at Liberty-Eylau Middle School and in 2006 he earned the Liberty-Eylau Campus Teacher of the Year Award.

Congratulations to both of these new Pleasant Grove faculty members. You can find out more at the Pleasant Grove ISD website.

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Today these parks are located throughout the country in 25 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The land encompassing them was either purchased or donated, though much of it had been inhabited by native people for thousands of years before the founding of the United States. These areas are protected and revered as educational resources about the natural world, and as spaces for exploration.

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