World Gay News

Peter Gay: Random thoughts on a hot spring day – The Sun Chronicle

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It’s been awhile since I’ve had the opportunity to clear the cobwebs out of my head and share with you some of the thoughts that have taken place inside this gray-haired head of mine:

 No one hates wearing a mask more than I do and I’ll be the first to admit that I could have been better over the past year.

I always wear one whenever I’m around people I don’t know, however, especially when approaching others. It is why I had to bite my tongue to the point I thought it was going to bleed a couple of weeks ago.

It happened when I was picking someone up at the airport when a couple without masks walked toward me. The man saw my masked and shook his head.

What the moron and others like him failed to realize is why I was wearing the mask.

It had been almost a month since I received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, so I was wearing the mask to protect him and his wife.

I’m also tired of hearing people say the requirement to wear masks violates their constitutional rights. I don’t hear the same people complaining when they’re forced to put on shoes during the summer when entering a store or restaurant, which is probably less of a health risk than not wearing masks.

 I’m not sure if it’s because I’m trying to be kinder to people because we’ve all been through a pandemic together or my recent experiences with traffic cameras in Providence, but I find myself being nicer to other motorists.

I often flash my high beams at someone to let them know I’m letting them onto the street I’m on. Very few have the courtesy to raise their hand in thanks.

 Imagine if Barack Obama had invited people to the nation’s capital for a “peaceful” protest and some members of the crowd, primarily black, smashed their way past security.

Imagine that some of those same members are identified as having ties with Antifa.

Imagine that some that are roaming the halls of the capitol are clearly heard on cell phone recordings hoping to find Mitch McConnell.

Imagine the “peaceful” protests Obama called for resulting in multiple deaths.

Do you think Republicans on Capitol Hill would downplay the violent attack?

Do you think Republicans would compare it to a “normal tour visit?”

Do you think they would support the formation of an independent commission similar to the Sept. 11 attacks?

I have to believe the answer to those questions is yes.

I also believe Democrats would downplay the scene I described and would reject forming a commission to investigate.

What has happened to this country?

Members of the Democratic and Republican parties willing to compromise for the good of the American public are now considered weak by their party’s base and those willing to admit the truth are removed from leadership positions.

When will those of you still listed with a “D” or an “R” next to your name in the voting books speak up and tell the leaders of your parties enough is enough?

 Speaking of Democrats, have you been following U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressly and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren? The Massachusetts’ liberals are pressing President Biden to cancel up to $50,000 of debt for federal student load borrowers.

I wonder if they’re willing to give a boost to students and their families who have fulfilled the commitments they made and paid off those loans.

 To steal a line from the 2004 Red Sox, “Why not us?”

I read in this newspaper that Foxboro selectmen approved a “pop-up” beer garden in their town. I would love to see something similar in Attleboro at Highland Park or some other venue. I have no doubt it would be successful.

While I’m on the subject of beer, I think the idea of a brewery at the site of the former Franco-American Club at the corner of Elm and East streets would be a big boost to the downtown, especially when 20- and 30-year old tenants move into 21 East Apartments.

 It’s amazing how many readers fall for the bait and respond to columnists who ignore facts so they can write something controversial.

I have to truly wonder if the writers of those columns actually believe what they’re putting in print or are simply trying to get people to respond and therefore make themselves seem more valuable? I believe it’s the latter.

 It’s less than 40 days until Truro. I can’t wait!

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