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Peter Gay: My thoughts do wander | Columns | – The Sun Chronicle

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By the time some of you are reading this, I should be a few holes into the Attleboro Area Golf Association’s Senior Two-Ball tournament at Chemawa Golf Course. The results will be listed in tomorrow’s edition of this newspaper, but don’t expect to see my name among the leaders.

That’s because the older I get the more difficult it is to maintain focus.

I find that I’m often standing over the ball thinking about everything except the shot I’m about to make.

About what? Here are some of the hundreds of thoughts that have taken place inside this gray-haired head of mine while playing golf over the past few weeks:

 Republicans tend to forget that the man who authored a book titled “The Art of the Deal” is the one who put his trust in the Taliban and the Afghan army when agreeing to pull U.S. troops out of the country. That being said, Joe Biden could not have handled the withdrawal any worse. The debacle will most likely cost Democrats control of the House and the Senate next year.

 I saw this meme on Facebook recently, “If you voted for a man who said windmills cause cancer, used a Sharpie to change the path of a hurricane, autographed Bibles, saluted a North Korean general, stared into the sun twice (during an eclipse), said there were airplanes in the Revolutionary War, wanted to nuke hurricanes, and suggested that bleach could cure COVID, your opinion of Joe Biden’s sanity is laughably irrelevant.

 The Attleboro public schools’ website lists the following immunizations as requirements before a student can enter kindergarten: 5 doses of DTap (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus), 4 doses of polio, 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), 2 doses of varicella or history of chickenpox, 3 doses of hepatitis B and 1 lead test. I wonder why parents haven’t rallied against those requirements

 Just my opinion: If someone were to have a heart attack and beds were at a premium because of COVID, doctors should be able to release a patient who opted not to get the coronavirus vaccine to care for the patient suffering from the heart attack.

 While I often praise everyone at Sturdy Memorial Hospital for the care I receive, someone really dropped the ball with the purchase and installation of the new computer system now in use. How can records from the old system not be available when visiting your primary care physician? That’s unacceptable!

 I wonder if I’m wrong for looking at the labels on food items to see where they are from. After grabbing a pint of blueberries recently, I noticed they were from Georgia. The state’s new restrictive voting laws came to mind and I put them back in favor of a pint out of Minnesota.

 The Red Sox may be one of the most frustrating teams to watch in all of baseball. I was disappointed in the fans when they did not boo the team when a Tampa Bay Ray player hit an inside-the-park home run last week. The lack of hustle in the outfield cost them that game. Is there no accountability?

 In spite of their porous defense, Boston could possibly host a Wild Game playoff against New York or Toronto. How exciting would a Yankees vs. Red Sox one-game playoff at Fenway Park be?

 I was disappointed to see that Kelly Bates is no longer at WJAR Channel 10. It appears station management lowballed the 17-year veteran of the NBC affiliate. I always had confidence in the forecasts by the Falls School, St. Mary’s Sacred Heart School and Bishop Feehan graduate.

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